nauto is a cli application used to monitor a git repository, and run a deployment script if changes are detected.
Prerequisites: make libssl-dev build-essential curl git-core
nauto depends on node. to ensure the a compatible version of node is available, node will be installed when nauto is setup.
git clone git://
cd nauto/deployment; sudo ./; cd ..; make environment
SSH_USER=<sudo_user> REMOTE=<remote_host> make setup_remote --environment-overrides
Additionally, you may also speicfy NAUTO_USER
to control the settings used on the remote host. The defaults are nauto
and /var/nauto
, respectively.
When an update is available on github, it can be deployed by running the following:
SSH_USER=<sudo_user> REMOTE=<remote_host> make update_remote
Clone the repo containing the project.
git clone git://github...
Edit crontab to run controller.
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * root cd /var/nauto && export PATH=/var/nauto/bin:$PATH; export NODE_ENV=integration; node controller.js -b origin/master --cwd=/var/nauto/watch/myrepo -d ./deployment/deployer.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/cron_nauto.log