Email Spoofer Tool for Spoofing Gmail Addresses. 100% Inbox Rate with orginal emailer's logo. Shoot !!
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The Spoofy aka Gmail Spoofer tool is for educational purposes only. Iam not responsible if you missue it
apt install python3
git clone
cd gmail-spoofer
apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Email spoofing is a technique used in spam and phishing attacks to trick users into thinking a message came from a person or entity they either know or can trust. In spoofing attacks, the sender forges email headers so that client software displays the fraudulent sender address, which most users take at face value. Unless they inspect the header more closely, users see the forged sender in a message. If it’s a name they recognize, they’re more likely to trust it. So they’ll click malicious links, open malware attachments, send sensitive data and even wire corporate funds.
Email spoofing is possible due to the way email systems are designed. Outgoing messages are assigned a sender address by the client application; outgoing email servers have no way to tell whether the sender address is legitimate or spoofed.
Recipient servers and antimalware software can help detect and filter spoofed messages. Unfortunately, not every email service has security protocols in place. Still, users can review email headers packaged with every message to determine whether the sender's address is forged.
Our tool is recognized as email spoofer GitHub as people love to use it. Spoofy is widely used for email spoofing. It is also known as email spoofer online. We don't recommand our tool for spoofing emails like paypal and other financial apps.