The plan for the game itself is to be a pirate. You sail with your mates, the brig filled to the brim with gold. One unfortunate storm occurs and you find yourself marooned with your surviving crew in the middle of the ocean with no masts. You must manage your resources and your crew to repair your ship before the impending arrival of the British Royal Navy. Fail to keep your crew's moral up and you will face the betrayal of your own mates.
Follow this handy dandy tutorial by Alex. And of course you will want to fork this project and not some other one, unless you were planning on doing that anyway.
Basic 3d scene, a ship and everything!
Very pretty water, gained from this source.
Camera controls that allow to pan across the ship and tilt up and down
Mouse clicking that allow the player to tell the characters where on the ship to move
Pause menu with settings and such
WIP in game HUD
An HTML demo of the (game)[
Develop your feature in your fork
When you are finished, push your commits to your fork (Do not push to the Origin's master, master is sacred!) and create a pull request with the "Create pull request" button
Title your pull request and choose to compare it with the main repo
After review and any necessary changes, I or whoever has the permissions will accept the pull request
The ship's model is a .blend that I found out works quite well import into Unity
For modeling, what we need in particular is just a bunch of Pirates. It's most likely that you can create a generic model then build varying costumes for it.
So, essentially
- Model your object in your preferred modeling application
- I do have a base mesh fbx that is rigged for action that can be used
- If you would prefer to model and rig your own model, I might suggest using Rigify for Blender
- Export to .fbx or .obj
- Stick in the Assets/Mesh folder
- Place in the scene and you're good to go!