Python command line utility to scramble quizzes and questions
It recieves as a input a quiz writte in yaml and outputs pandoc renderable markdown or yaml
This package is currently not distributed in pipy but it can still be used by installing it with pip.
On a terminal run the following:
git clone
cd quizscrambler
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
You can get the documentation for the usage running the command with the --help flag.
$ scramblequiz --help
Usage: scramblequiz [OPTIONS]
Simple program that Scrambles quizzes written in YAML format
--input TEXT YAML formatted quiz that will be scrambled
--yaml_output TEXT Name of the file that will be used as an output in
yaml format
--md_output TEXT Name of the file that will be used as an output in
markdown format
--show_answers Flag indicating if answers should be shown (only
applies to markdown)
--identifier TEXT Identifier to be added to the output (md output
--shuffle / --no-shuffle Flags indicating if shuffling should be done
--dry Logical indicating if files should be written
--help Show this message and exit.
Or on ... as an example a super simple quiz saved as simplequiz.yaml
statement: Which one is better
a: foo
b: var
c: beer
answer: beer
statement: What is one plus one
a: 1
b: Beer
c: 2
answer: 2
Or on ... as an example a super simple quiz
$ scramblequiz --input simplequiz.yaml
### 1. Which one is better
a. foo
b. beer
c. var
### 2. What is one plus one
a. Beer
b. 2
c. 1
Or in a little more elaborate example
$ scramblequiz --input simplequiz.yaml --show_answers --shuffle
### 1. Which one is better
ANSWER: b. beer
a. foo
b. beer
c. var
### 2. What is one plus one
ANSWER: a. 2
a. 2
b. 1
c. Beer
Note how the output is actually a markdown document... unless you tell him otherwise
$ scramblequiz --input simplequiz.yaml --show_answers --shuffle --yaml_output myout.out
$ cat myout.out
statement: Which one is better
a: var
b: beer
c: foo
answer: beer
statement: What is one plus one
a: 2
b: Beer
c: 1
answer: 2
I currently use pandoc to render the quizzes to pdf.