- task[s]
- project[s]
- folder[s]
- tag[s]
- name (string)
- note (string)
- primary tag (tag) (creation only)
- tags (list of tags) (modification only)
- flagged (boolean)
- completed (boolean)
- creation date (date)
- start date (date)
- defer date (date)
- due date (date)
- name (string)
- note (string)
- singleton action holder (boolean)
- sequential (boolean)
- creation date (date)
- start date (date)
- defer date (date)
- due date (date)
- name (string)
- name (string)
Below, "task" means the literal string "task". "tasktype" means a reference to an object of class "task".
make new (task|tag|project|folder) with properties {property:value[, property:value...]}
move (tasktype|tagtype|projecttype|foldertype) to (end of (tags|projects|folders) of (tagtype|projecttype|foldertype))
remove tagtype from tags of tasktype
add tagtype to tags of tasktype
set (tasktype|projecttype) to the parent task of tasktype
(task|tag|project|folder) whose name is string
(task|tag|project|folder) where its name is string
flattened (tasks|tags|projects|folders)
: retrieve matching items without having to locate them within a specific hierarchy
tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
-- Create a new project and save to variable `theProject`
set theProject to make new project with properties {name:"Project Name", singleton action holder: true}
-- Create a new task and save to variable `theTask`
set theTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:"Task Name", note:"Task Note"}
-- Move `theTask` inside of `theProject`
move theTask to end of tasks of theProject
-- Create a new task directly inside `theProject`
tell theProject
set theOtherTask to make new task with properties {name:"Other Task Name", note:"Other Task Note"}
end tell
-- Create a new tag
set newTag to make new tag with properties {name:"New Tag"}
-- Add `newTag` to `theOthertask`
add newTag to tags of theOtherTask
-- Create a new task with `newTag` in Inbox
set theThirdTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:"A Third Task", primary tag:newTag}
end tell
The following scripts and guides were an enormous help and this guide wouldn't be possible without them:
- https://gist.github.com/matellis/69954d4212b1a36c13aad3de4e75187e#file-things3-to-of3-applescript-L350
- https://gist.github.com/AnilRh/8a0b372ffa9c4a68d6eb
- https://colterreed.com/create-omnifocus-project-templates-with-applescript/
- https://github.com/anastasiuspernat/The-Hit-List-2-Omnifocus/blob/30e4671eb2d926ff3789e9c8bacb95c60a478e4d/%5BTHL%5D%20to%20%5BOmnifocus%5D.applescript
- https://github.com/jacobsilver2/OmniFocusDailyProjectTemplate/blob/4de69359de5aa249988361473439581c8b57d77e/dailyOmniRoutine.applescript
- https://github.com/ryuiwasaki/Omnifocus2-AppleScript/blob/2ccd777c33ad15867f6fdf5f72db8459802a44d5/Omnifocus2SyncEvernote.applescript
- https://github.com/Rahlir/OmniFocusScripts/blob/3f3ef4b0502d7e32aece5ead423d0f195778619d/Scripts/omnifocuslib.applescript
- https://gist.github.com/aderyabin/1465125
- https://gist.github.com/cdzombak/11265615