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Australian spatial data for using edmaps in Australia.

This data repository contains most of the spatial layers required to estimate the establishment potential of high priority plant pests and diseases. Details about how edmaps works can be found in two CEBRA reports:

Camac et al. (2020) Developing pragmatic maps of establishment likelihood for plant pests

This report provides the original description of edmaps and how these data are used to approximate threat establishment likelihoods using point estimates of pathway entry.

Since the first report, we have made significant structural changes to edmaps, such that now quantiles of both expected annual numbers of pathway entry, and pathway survival likelihoods are required. In addition to this, additional pathways have been added to edmaps. Details about these changes can be found in the following report.

Camac et al. (2021) Using edmaps & Zonation to inform multi-pest early-detection surveillance designs.

For details of how to run edmaps please visit the edmap repository.

NOTE: The user input workbook parameters.xlsx contains a prefilled example. The parameters within the species sheet are illustrative only and should not be treated as definitive estimates. As some example threats contain many GBIF records, we recommend that users add their GBIF credentials to the global parameters sheet prior to running.


Spatial data for running edmaps for Australia






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