Wine Cellar project based on arduino.
This project aims at replacing all electronics in a Domoclip GS99 (basic 12 bottles wine cellar), making it a better cellar (with precise temperature control), and making it free !
- 1 PSU 12V / 10A
- 1 Peltier unit (TEC1-12705) (12V - 5A)
- 2 temperature sensors (DS18B20) (one inside the cellar, one on the heatsink)
- 1 MOSFET RFP50N06 to drive the Peltier
- 2 FANs (8cm inside to push the cold, 12cm on the heatsink)
- 2 2N2222 transistors to drive the FANs
- 1 LCD display (2 lines sold by snootlab)
- 4 push buttons to interact with a menu, switch between displays...
- Resistors