This project was created mainly for a technical test.
Simple web app that displays details about a random beer.
The functionality should allow a user to click on the ‘Show Another Beer’ button to view information about the next random beer.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data Jpa
- FlywayDB
- Lombok
- H2
- Mockito
- Angular 7
- Bootstrap 4
To be able to run the REST API you need:
- Gradle
- JDK 8
Once you have all above installed, just go to the folder restapi and execute:
./gradlew bootRun
After executing the previous command, the REST API will be up and listening to the port 8080
For the angular application you just need Node installed in your machine. After that, go to the folder client and execute:
npm install && npm start
From here, everything should be ready. Just navigate to the url http://localhost:4200 to test the web application.