#Devise setup
- Require devise in your Gemfile
gem devise
& bundle install rails g devise:install
- Follow the instructions that that command outputs for you.
- Generate a devise enabled model:
rails g devise User
- Edit that migration to add any additional fields you want on your user
- Generate devise views so they're customizable in your own app structure
rails g devise:views
#To add Omniauth provider login
- Find associated gem, and add to Gemfile, e.g.
bundle install
- In your devise enabled model (i.e. User), add the
module and specify the provider you will use asomniauth_providers: [:github]
- Edit your routes
like so: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/config/routes.rb#L2 - Register your application with the provider and get an App key and App secret -- store these in environment variables
- Check
rake routes
for the route you should set as your application's callback URL at the provider's website, e.g.localhost:3000/auth/github/callbacks
. This will be handled by the controller you specify in step 4) above - Edit devise initializer to set up that provider like so: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/config/initializers/devise.rb#L241
- Add a link on your signin page to test out the auth flow, like so: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/views/devise/sessions/new.html.erb#L2
- Click the link and make sure it sends you to the provider for authorization, and back to your app afterwards. To verify this last step, you can inspect the
object in the callback you defined: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb#L2 - Whitelist the params you'll need to login or create the user: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb#L12
- Pass those into a method which will find or create the user: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb#L3
- Implement that method to your app's requirements: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/models/user.rb#L8
- Once you have that working, and a user is found or created, sign the user in with
and then redirect somewhere: https://github.com/jraines/devise-demo/blob/master/app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb#L6