Helpful rake tasks for Heroku.
Add this to your Gemfile
group :development do
gem 'heroku_san'
To install add the following to config/environment.rb
config.gem 'heroku_san'
Rake tasks are not automatically loaded from gems, so you’ll need to add the following to your Rakefile
require 'heroku_san/tasks'
rescue LoadError
STDERR.puts "Run `rake gems:install` to install heroku_san"
Update your Gemfile
group :development do
gem 'heroku_san'
Update your Rakefile
require "bundler/setup"
require "heroku_san"
config_file = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'config', 'heroku.yml')
HerokuSan.project =, :deploy => HerokuSan::Deploy::Sinatra)
load "heroku_san/tasks.rb"
rescue LoadError
# The gem shouldn't be installed in a production environment
In config/heroku.yml
you will need to add the Heroku apps that you would like to attach to this project. You can generate this file by running:
rails generate heroku_san
rake heroku:create_config
Customize the file for your project. If this is a fresh project, heroku_san
can create all the applications for you, and set each one's RACK_ENV.
rake all heroku:create heroku:rack_env
Configure your Heroku apps according to config/heroku.yml
by running:
rake all heroku:config
After configuring your Heroku apps you can use rake tasks to control the apps.
rake production deploy
A rake task with the shorthand name of each app is now available and adds that server to the list that subsequent commands will execute on. Because this list is additive, you can easily select which servers to run a command on.
rake demo staging restart
A special rake task 'all' is created that causes any further commands to execute on all Heroku apps.
rake all restart
Need to add remotes for each app?
rake all heroku:remotes
A full list of tasks provided:
rake heroku:addons # Install addons for the application.
rake heroku:addons:local # List configured addons, without installing them
rake heroku:apps # Lists configured apps
rake heroku:apps:local # Lists configured apps without hitting heroku
rake heroku:config # Add config:vars to each application.
rake heroku:config:list # Lists config variables as set on Heroku
rake heroku:config:list:local # Lists local config variables without setting them
rake heroku:config:rack_env # Add proper RACK_ENV to each application
rake heroku:console # Opens a remote console
rake heroku:create # Creates the Heroku app
rake heroku:create_config # Creates an example configuration file
rake heroku:db:migrate # Migrates and restarts remote servers
rake heroku:db:pull # Pull database from stage to local dev database
rake heroku:deploy[commit] # Pushes the given commit, migrates and restarts (default: HEAD)
rake heroku:deploy:after # Callback after deploys
rake heroku:deploy:before # Callback before deploys
rake heroku:deploy:force[commit] # Force-pushes the given commit, migrates and restarts (default: HEAD)
rake heroku:logs # Shows the Heroku logs
rake heroku:logs:tail # Tail the Heroku logs (requires logging:expanded)
rake heroku:maintenance # Enable maintenance mode
rake heroku:maintenance_off # Disable maintenance mode
rake heroku:maintenance_on # Enable maintenance mode
rake heroku:push[commit] # Pushes the given commit (default: HEAD)
rake heroku:push:force[commit] # Force-pushes the given commit (default: HEAD)
rake heroku:rake[task] # Runs a rake task remotely
rake heroku:remotes # Add git remotes for all apps in this project
rake heroku:restart # Restarts remote servers
rake heroku:shell # Opens a bash shell within app
rake heroku:stage:all # Select all Heroku apps for later command
Frequently used tasks are aliased into the global namespace:
task :all => 'heroku:stage:all'
task :deploy => 'heroku:deploy'
task 'deploy:force' => 'heroku:deploy:force'
task :before_deploy => 'heroku:deploy:before'
task :after_deploy => 'heroku:deploy:after'
task :console => 'heroku:console'
task :restart => 'heroku:restart'
task :migrate => 'heroku:db:migrate'
task :logs => 'heroku:logs:default'
task 'logs:tail' => 'heroku:logs:tail'
task 'shell' => 'heroku:shell'
Issue Tracker:
- Elijah Miller (
- Glenn Roberts (
- Damien Mathieu (
- Matthew Hassfurder (
- Peter Jaros
- Lee Semel
- Michael Haddad (
- Les Hill (
- Bryan Ash
- Barry Hess (
- Ryan Ahearn (
- Jon Wood (
- Mat Schaffer (
- Jonathan Hironaga (
- Ken Mayer (
- Matt Burke (
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Elijah Miller, released under the MIT license.