- Source: https://github.com/jpcw/checkpkgaudit
- Bugtracker: https://github.com/jpcw/checkpkgaudit/issues
This check runs pkg audit over your host and its running jails
sample outputs :
CHECKPKGAUDIT OK - 0 vulnerabilities found ! | 'host.domain.tld'=0;;@1:;0 http=0;;@1:;0 masterdns=0;;@1:;0 ns0=0;;@1:;0 ns1=0;;@1:;0 ns2=0;;@1:;0 smtp=0;;@1:;0
Critical state is reached with first vulnerable pkg. No warning, no configurable threasold, why waiting 2 or more vulnerabilities ?
We are talking about security vulnerabilities !
Of course, the plugin sum all the vulnerabilities and details each host|jail concerned
CHECKPKGAUDIT CRITICAL - found 2 vulnerable(s) pkg(s) in : ns2, ns3 | 'host.domain.tld'=0;;@1:;0 http=0;;@1:;0 masterdns=0;;@1:;0 ns0=0;;@1:;0 ns1=0;;@1:;0 ns2=1;;@1:;0 ns3=1;;@1:;0 smtp=0;;@1:;0
Notice that summary returns the total amount problems :
found 2 vulnerable(s) pkg(s) in : ns2, ns3 but performance data is detailled by host|jail
if an error occured during pkg audit, the plugin raises a check error, which returns an UNKNOWN state.
typically UNKNOWN causes
- pkg audit -F has not been runned on host or a jail
CHECKPKGAUDIT UNKNOWN - jailname Try running 'pkg audit -F' first | 'host.domain.tld'=0;;@1:;0 http=0;;@1:;0 masterdns=0;;@1:;0 ns0=0;;@1:;0 ns1=0;;@1:;0 ns2=0;;@1:;0 smtp=0;;@1:;0
- pkg -j jailname audit runned as a non sudoer user
CHECKPKGAUDIT UNKNOWN - jailname pkg: jail_attach(jailname): Operation not permitted | 'host.domain.tld'=0;;@1:;0
If you have running jails, sudo is your friend to run this plugin with an unprivileged user. A sample config here
icinga ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/check_pkgaudit
checkpkgaudit can be installed via either easy_install or pip .
Within or not a virtualenv:
easy_install checkpkgaudit
# or
pip install checkpkgaudit
check_pkgaudit is located at /usr/local/bin/check_pkgaudit
SSL certificate error
If you encountered an ssl certificate error with easy_install, you probably need to install the Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project:
pkg install -y ca_root_nss
ln -s /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt /etc/ssl/cert.pem
check_pkgaudit could be called localy or remotely via check_by_ssh or NRPE.
here a sample definition to check remotely by ssh
Command definition
define command{ command_name check_ssh_pkgaudit command_line $USER1$/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -i /var/spool/icinga/.ssh/id_rsa -C "sudo /usr/local/bin/check_pkgaudit" }
the service itself
define service{ use my-service host_name hostname service_description pkg audit check_command check_ssh_pkgaudit! }
icinga2 command
object CheckCommand "pkgaudit" { import "plugin-check-command" import "ipv4-or-ipv6" command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ] arguments = { "-H" = "$address$" "-i" = "$ssh_id$" "-p" = "$ssh_port$" "-C" = "$ssh_command$" } vars.address = "$check_address$" vars.ssh_id = "/var/spool/icinga/.ssh/id_rsa" vars.ssh_port = "$vars.ssh_port$" vars.ssh_command = "sudo /usr/local/bin/check_pkgaudit" }
icinga2 service
apply Service "pkgaudit" { check_command = "pkgaudit" assign where host.name == "hostname" }
add this line to /usr/local/etc/nrpe.cfg
... command[check_pkgaudit]=/usr/local/bin/check_pkgaudit ...
nagios command definition
define command{ command_name check_nrpe_pkgaudit command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_pkgaudit }
the service itself
define service{ use my-service host_name hostname service_description pkg audit check_command check_nrpe_pkgaudit }
python bootstrap-buildout.py --setuptools-version=33.1.1 --buildout-version=2.5.2
bin/buildout -N