This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed an issue when share box is hidden - issue #8
- Added support of SoundCloud tracks
- Fixed an outline focus css issue on video/audio tags appeared on latest Google Chrome versions
- Package size has been reduced to the minimum by removing unnecessary files
- Codebase improvements regarding loading of iframe elements and ES2020
- Code coverage augmented
- Fixed a problem of npm package size
- Added support of Vimeo videos
- Mouse click event available to trigger the display of items
- Possibility to destroy an instance of the plugin and recreate it
- Possibility to translate a message related to unsupported screen sizes using CSS
- Console logs improved for debugging purposes
- Some jQuery code replaced by equivalent in vanilla JavaScript
- Code coverage augmented
- Codebase improvements
- Support for HTML markup into items descriptions
- Better user experience about the way items are displayed and hidden
- Videos and sounds that are playing are now stopped when the mouse leaves the scene
- Added a customClassName property on items for better style customization
- Codebase improvements and unit tests
- Fixed an issue related to links labels on Text items
- Fixed an issue related to items width
- Sticky behavior available on items
- Added a social share box to enable content sharing on Facebook, Twitter and by email
- Description texts are now displayed after each media for a better flow - issue #3
- Codebase improvements and unit tests
- Added an editorconfig file to ease contributing
- Fixed an issue affecting the link over a picture that was not clickable on the caption part, on Picture items
- Fixed an issue regarding the poster size of HTML video elements
- Added support of poster attribute for HTML5 video items
- Added support of Dailymotion videos
- Codebase improvements
- Added Sound items
- Added Video items
- Added support for content providers (Youtube)
- Introduce a breakpoint for unsupported screens (<=320px))
- Unit tests on DOM elements and better code coverage
- Autoprefixer dev dependency removed as it was not working as expected
- Better rendering
- Unit tests and code coverage metrics
- Uniqid dependency removed
- Performance metrics available in debug mode
- Local server available for development
- Added Picture items
- Improved overall rendering
- All images tags now have an alt attribute
- The possibility to customize items styles in JS has been removed
- Upgraded to Webpack 4
- Now uses Sass as CSS preprocessor
- First stable release