This repository reproduces a bug when a library is wrongly recognized and CVEs from other library are reported for it.
There is a test-module
module which uses dependency test-dependency
. Because test-dependency
has version
matching one of the existing jenkins release plugin version, and it also adds jenkins-release-xyz to a
MANIFEST.MF file, it is treated as jenkins release library and two CVE are reported for this project despite
it does not exist in CVE database:
This is probably because of such defined cpe:
has such content in its file:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Maven JAR Plugin 3.3.0
Build-Jdk-Spec: 17
Build-Tag: jenkins-release-1.2.0
To reproduce this bug, run:
mvn clean install
mvn dependency-check:aggregate validate -Powasp
The generated report can be found in target directory. There is also a dependency-check-jenkins.html
pushed to this repository to show the result of this operation.