This is implementation of Necta API by Vicent using Sarufi heyoo blueprint. The blueprint illustrates clearly on how to use it with either of your favourite webhook provider, ngrok or replit.
You'll need a sarufi account to create your chatbot, i have included the data used by the bot and meta developer account--> to connect your chatbot to whatsapp.
With all collected, let dive a bit into some work how.
You can use any of the services to host your chatbot. There is a replit version also that you can fork, more info to come
. The illustations below will be using ngrok to expose our local development to internet as we neeed a webhook for whatsapp. So make sure have ngrok account and installed set-up on your machine.
This will provide you the basics of how to have this bot running locally. You will have to modify some commands to suite your working environment. The commands like python3
and pip3
will depend on your working environment. You may have to use python
and pip
First things first we need to create our chatbot. Below are simple steps to create an empty bot
- Log in Sarufi >> Dashboard
- Click Create chatbot >> Fill in important infomation such as
, and so on. - After creating your cahtbot, you can simply import the shared data
On your newly created chatbot, click on
State Flow Tree
on the left side >>Import States
. -
On the left of side of your chatbot, click
>>import Intents
Just simple as you can imagine. Now lets get into some cool integration part. Getting some hands dirt now.
Lets Make a project folder named Cool-Bot
. Navigate into it to create virtual evironment Cool-bot-env
. I actually to work with virtual env, you can read more on why use virtual env.
Run the command to make the magic 🔥 happen.
For unix based systems [Linux and Mac]
Install virtual environment.
This step is optional as you may have python virtual environment already installed. If not, you can install it by running the command below.
sudo apt install python3-venv
Create project folder and virtual environment.
mkdir Cool-bot cd Cool-bot python3 -m venv Cool-bot-env source Cool-bot-env/bin/activate
For windows
Install virtual environment.
This step is optional as you may have python virtual environment already installed. If not, you can install it by running the command below.
pip install virtualenv
Create project folder and virtual environment.
mkdir Cool-bot cd Cool-bot python -m venv Cool-bot-env Cool-bot-env\Scripts\activate.bat
Clone the repo.
You may decide to fork it into your account so the url will be pointing to your fork. This is optional though
git clone
Install dependencies
cd necta-whatsapp-chatbot pip3 install -r requirements.txt
fileNavigate into your root directory and create .env file to hold environment variable or your creds from sarufi and Meta developer.
After creating .env file, add the following keys as secrets. Read about how to get creds for more details on sarufi and Meta credentials.
SARUFI_API_KEY = Your API KEY SARUFI_BOT_ID = Your Bot Id PHONE_NUMBER_ID = whatsapp phone number id WHATSAPP_TOKEN = Your Whatsapp token VERIFY_TOKEN = Your verify token
Note: The verification token is a random string. You can just create a random string and use it as your verification token. It will be used to verify your webhook.
Run Python script.
Just run(in your activated virtual env) as simple command as;
uvicorn main:app
If you happen to change the default port used here, make sure to use the same port in ngrok section. Default port is
. -
Start Ngork.
At this stage, i assume you already have ngrok installed. We are going to start our ngrok server to forward all localhost at port
, the default port used by uvicorn.ngrok http 8000
Once ngrok runs suceessfully, you will have a public url looking like
forwarding yourlocalhost:8000
. Copy the url then move to next step.
The chatbot basically will be collecting information from the user. We want a way that sarufi will relay user infor to our script for processing. Here comes a cool feature of sarufi webhook. You jsut need to navigate to your chatbot's setttings >> Webhooks.
With your url obtained from above step, add a route sarufi-hook
so the wehbook url looks like
. You will also need to add trigger intents.
Basically these are intents of which at the end of their flow, the collected data during conversation will be relayed to our webhook set. In the file Metadata, you can see the trigger intents are matokeo
, and school_comparison
. So add these as trigger intents. Done with Sarufi webhook, lets finalize Whatsapp webhook below.
Setting Whatsapp webhook.
This is the way we tell whatsapp sever to relay the messages sent to our chatbot to the server. Like, hey whatsapp whenever there is a new message, just push it here(your webhook).
Lets end our long journey by setting,
Navigate to your whatsapp cloud account >> configuration >> (Webhook) edit >> then paste the url(the one form live ngrok) into callback url. For Verify token, copy the VERIFY_TOKEN >> paste into verify token in your whatsapp cloud >> verify and save.
Subcription to Webhook Topic.
After telling webhook the path that we want to receive all updates, we need to tell the server which kind of updates we are mostly interested on. We are going to subscribe to messages topic.
After veryfing and saving whatsapp webook, navigate to webhook fields >> click manage to subscribe to message topic.
Now check out the sample below.
- Sarufi Creds.
Log in into you sarufi account >> Navigate to profile >> Authorization to obtain API-Key. For BOT-ID, open your sepcific bot navigate to settings >> general then copy bot-id
WhatsApp cloud.
You will need TOKEN and TEST WHATSAPP NUMBER obtained from Facebook Developer Portal
Here are steps to follow for you to get started:
- Go to your apps.
- create an app.
- Select Business >> Business.
- It will prompt you to enter basic app informations.
- Add Whatsapp, when asked to add products to your app
- Right there you will see a your TOKEN and TEST WHATSAPP NUMBER and its phone_number_id.
- Lastly verify the number you will be using for testing on the To field.
Navigate to your whatsapp cloud account >> API setup
>> scroll down to a field written To
. Click manage phone number to add you phone number. Follow instructions till you finish.
Click send message to start testing your bot. You will receive a message from your test number which your will use in testing your bot.
The bot is action can be seen in the gif below.
If you will face any issue, please raise one so as we can fix it as soon as possible.
If there is something you would like to contribute, from typos to code to documentation, feel free to do so, JUST FORK IT.
All contributors.