Customisable Multi-Session Framework For Golang
Table of Contents
Customisable Multi-Session Framework For Golang
Most session based frameworks are JWT which aren't easily revocable and you can't really limit the amount of sessions without a backend cache.
With go-session you will have an entire framework for user registration and session management control.
I built it to integrate with mongo and redis micro-services. You can try it out on localhost for development purposes, with the added docker containers in the localhost folder. (Just follow the instructions in the README files)
Some features:
- User sign up with email confirmation and reset/forgot password integration.
- Max sessions per user account. (Limit device count - better than JWT).
- Extra functionality such as user posts and custom filters.
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In this area you can list the different libraries and technologies that your project uses.
Ensure you search and update all text that contains 'domain' with your own domain/brand name. Also add *.env to the .gitignore file when you change the default values.
This section should show what software is required before you can proceed with the installation.
Follow these instructions to get your test environment set up.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Go packages
go get ./
- Run local mongo & redis containers
Use commands in go-session/localhost/startup-all/startup.txt(or change the extension to turn it into a bash script depending on your os)
Great things are a sum of their parts. By contributing your time and effort you can help make this project even better. Collaborative efforts ftw.
Released under the MIT License.
If you are not a coder you can still help support the project by sharing it far and wide. Thanks! ❤️