this github will be included models and controller mobile robot using ROS + GAZEBO
author : Josua Christanto/ DTE2014
How to use models:
- install Gazebo 7 and Ros Kinetic
- copy camera, my_robot, pioneer2 folders to .gazebo/models
- open gazebo - insert - my_robot
Tutorial how to run mobile robot simulation part 1
- open terminal, go to my_first_mobile folder
- 1st tab : "source devel/setup.bash" and then "roscore"
- 2nd tab : "source devel/setup.bash" and then roslaunch diff_wheeled_robot_gazebo diff_wheeled_gazebo_full.launch"
- 3rd tab : "source devel/setup.bash" and then roslaunch diff_wheeled_robot_control keyboard_teleop.launch"
NB : if bad error happens, repeat from 2nd command (devel/setup)
- try moving the robot using this instructions ! Control Your Turtlebot!
Moving around (Press from your keyboard):
u i o
j k l
m , .
q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10%
w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10%
e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10%
space key, k : force stop
anything else : stop smoothly