Project 1: Game Search
Welcome to Project 1! Project 1 explains the skills and knowledge to build a web application from scratch. With our team, we have conceived and executed a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests. Working collaboratively, we have created agile development methodologies and implementations that are shown throughout our git branch workflow and pull requests. Project 1 is an API server-side search engine that lists a series of games and genres from the website Giant Bomb. Giant Bombs' free video game database and API contains all the storage of what our user selects corresponding to what game and genre they search through our Game Search engine website. Once a game is selected if the Giant Bomb database and API contain the game, the user will be shown Game Title Names, Review Score, Author, Quotes, and Date Published for the user-selected game. On top of that, the user can select specific genres of games they are looking for with genres such as Action, Driving/Racing, FIghting, MMORPG, Platform, Role-Playing, Shooter, Sports, Strategy, and Trivia/Board Game.
- AS A video game consumer
- I WANT to be able to search for game reviews by name, genre or popularity
- SO THAT I can decide which ones to purchase and play for myself or stream
- Javscript
- Tailwind CSS
- FontAwesome
- Server-side APIs
- Git branching workflow
- Agile software development
- CSS Framework
You will be employer-ready if you can answer the following questions:
- What is agile software development?
- What is an MVP?
- If you pull down a teammate's branch and you have merge conflicts, how do you handle it?
You will be employer-competitive if you are able to:
- Speak technically about a feature you implemented in your project
- Explain and execute git branching workflow in a collaborative project
- Resolve merge conflicts
- Explain agile software development
- Design, build, and deploy a client-side web application using GitHub Pages
- Prepare a professional presentation and repository README for your project
Github Repository:
Github Website:
- Josie Franklin
- Ommar Khawaja
- Adam Awartani
- Thomas Woods
© Josie Franklin, Ommar Khawaja, Adam Awartani, Thomas Woods, Universtiy at North Carolina Chapel Hill Coding Bootcamp