Format cdk diff
output to html making review easier. Inspired by Terraform prettyplan.
If you are using aws-cdk
<= v1:
npm install cdk-pretty-diff@1.x
or aws-cdk
>= v2:
npm install cdk-pretty-diff
Instead of running cdk diff
command line and receiving diff output, use cdk-pretty-diff
(in javascript). Examples below.
import { getCustomDiff } from 'cdk-pretty-diff';
const nicerDiffs = await getCustomDiff();
console.log(JSON.stringify(nicerDiffs, null, 2));
html sample screenshot:
- Original CDK Diff output is available (click the
Orig CDK Diff
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { getCustomDiff, renderCustomDiffToHtmlString } from 'cdk-pretty-diff';
const nicerDiffs = await getCustomDiff();
const html = renderCustomDiffToHtmlString(nicerDiffs, 'CDK Diff');
writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../cdk.out/diff.html'), html);
optionally, provide command line input args (as you could with cdk diff
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Command, ConfigurationProps } from 'aws-cdk/lib/settings';
import { getCustomDiff, renderCustomDiffToHtmlString } from 'cdk-pretty-diff';
const configProps: ConfigurationProps = {
commandLineArguments: {
_: [Command.DIFF],
context: [
const nicerDiffs = await getCustomDiff({ configProps });
const html = renderCustomDiffToHtmlString(nicerDiffs, 'CDK Diff');
writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../cdk.out/diff.html'), html);
example: bin/diff-to-html-with-cli-args.ts
npm i
npm run build
# run cdk pretty diff for the example stack:
AWS_PROFILE=<yourawscredentials> npx ts-node bin/diff-to-html.ts
# pretty diff location: cdk.out/diff.html