As an office worker in downtown San Francisco, I want to be able to see a list of all SFPOPOS at a glance, along with key details such as image, address, and hours, so that I can quickly visualize all of my options for where to visit.
As an office worker, a want to be able to find out more about specific spaces, so that I can refine my decision about what sites would be suitable for me to visit for a quiet lunch break, to focus on work, or to have an informal business meeting
As an office worker, I want to be able to visit this site from my smartphone in order to remember which sites I want to go to, their hours, and how to get to them. I want to be able to open the maps app directly from this site, so I can easilly navigate to the space.
- Home
- Header
- Page Title: SFPOPOS
- Sub Title: San Francisco Privately Owned Public Open Spaces
- Nav
- NavLink: List
- NavLink: About
- NavLink: Random Space Button
- NavLink: Signup
- Main
- Search bar
- Grid
- Card
- Image: Image of space
- Header/Navlink: Name of space, link to detail page
- Text: Address
- Text: Hours of operation
- Card
- Footer
- Author signature
- Header
- About
- Header
- Page Title: SFPOPOS
- Sub Title: San Francisco Privately Owned Public Open Spaces
- Nav
- NavLink: List
- NavLink: About
- NavLink: Random Space
- NavLink: Signup
- Main
- Header: About SFPOPOS
- Text: Details about what POPOS are
- Footer
- Author signature
- Header
- Space Details Page
- Header
- Page Title: SFPOPOS
- Sub Title: San Francisco Privately Owned Public Open Spaces
- Nav
- NavLink: List
- NavLink: About
- NavLink: Random Space
- NavLink: Signup
- Main
- Image: Large image of the space
- Header: Name of Space
- Text: Extra details about space
- Text: Hours of operation
- Map: Embedded google map to space
- Footer
- Author signature
- Header
- Newsletter Signup Page
- Header
- Page Title: SFPOPOS
- Sub Title: San Francisco Privately Owned Public Open Spaces
- Nav
- NavLink: List
- NavLink: About
- NavLink: Random Space
- NavLink: Signup
- Main
- Form
- Header: Signup Form
- Text input: username
- Text input: email
- Checkbox input: Receive SFPOPOS Newsletter?
- Submit input: Signup
- Form
- Footer
- Author signature
- Header
- Home