The goal of this challenge is to practice debugging a neural network implementation. This is a simple ConvNet trained on MNIST classficiation. If you fix the bugs, it should achieve about 99.5% accuracy on the test set after 10 epochs, which you should be able to train on your laptop in a few minutes.
However, there are several bugs present that you will need to fix to get that performance.
Note: it is not necessary to use pyenv, but you do need python 3.6.
Follow this tutorial to install pyenv and learn about it:
Then create a virtual env for this project:
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.5 debugging-challenge
pyenv activate 3.6.5/envs/debugging-challenge
Run the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following:
Instead of training on the entire dataset, you can try overfitting a single batch by running:
python --overfit-batch --n-epochs 200
As a hint, there are (at least) seven bugs total in the codebase.
You can look at a corrected solution in the git branch called working
What should training look like?
See assets/training_example.png
Bug 1
You need to pass reuse=True to the layers for the test network.
Bug 2
Reshaping of the output of the pooling layer is incorrect.
Bug 3
Output of the network is incorrect. The softmax cross entropy loss function requires logits, but we have already taken the softmax. Change the activation for the last layer to None.
Bug 4
Incorrect input scaling. tf.image.convert_image_dtype already scales the values to [0, 1), so we are doing it twice.
Bug 5
Over augmentation. Crop value of 0.1 is way too small - it's meant to be 0.9.
Bug 6
Not removing augmentation at test time. augment_example method should only be used on the training set.
Bug 7
Using regularization at test time. Dropout should be turned off at test time.