This repo only supports NativeScript pre-6.0. The latest version of the plugin supporting NS 6+ is availble as part of ProPlugins.
A NativeScript plugin for making in-app purchases.
Run the following command from the root of your project:
tns plugin add nativescript-purchase
This command automatically installs the necessary files, as well as stores nativescript-purchase as a dependency in your project's package.json file.
In order to get IntelliSense and make TypeScript compile without problems, add the following to your references.d.ts
/// <reference path="./node_modules/nativescript-purchase/nativescript-purchase.d.ts" />
In order for your in-app purchases to be recognized by the plugin, you must configure those on the Google/iTunes side. You can check the in-depth tutorials at the bottom of the page to see how to do it step-by-step.
- transactionUpdatedEvent - String
String value used when hooking totransactionUpdated
init(string[]): Promise
Initializes the plugin for work with the specified in-app purchase identifiers. -
getProducts(): Promise<Product[]>
Returns the product details (see below) for the in-app purchase identifiers that were used in init. -
canMakePayments(): boolean
Checks whether the current user is allowed to make in-app purchases. -
buyProduct(Product, string?): void
Buys the given product. On Android you can send custom string data that will be present in theTransaction
. -
consumePurchase(string): Promise
Consumes the purchases represented by the given transaction token. If the promise returns0
the consume was successful. Note that this is needed only for Android. For iOS each purchase is automatically consumed when it is set up as a consumabel product in iTunes. -
restorePurchases(): Promise Restores previous purchased items for the current user. On Android, returns a promise for when the purchases have been restored. On iOS, returns a completed promise (as you can use getStoreReceipt to get the receipt instantly anytime).
getStoreReceipt(): string
Gets the application's Base64 encoded store receipt for the currently logged in store user. This is useful when checking subscription status under iOS. For Android the function always returnsundefined
. -
refreshStoreReceipt(): Promise Refreshes the store receipt for the currently logged in store user. This is useful when a transaction is invalid or missing. On iOS, returns a completed promise once the refresh is complete.
- transactionUpdated
Triggered a buy/restore transaction changes its state. You receive aTransaction
object where you can check the status and other properties (see below) of the transaction.
The native object representing the product. On iOS this will be an instance ofSKProduct
, and on Android this will be aorg.json.JSONObject
productIdentifier - string
The in-app product identifier as setup on iTunes Connect or Google Store. -
localizedTitle - string
The title of the product based on the user's phone localization. -
localizedDescription - string
The description of the product based on the user's phone localization. -
priceAmount - number
The numerical value of the price for this in-app product based on the currency of the user's app store. -
priceFormatted - string
The formattedpriceAmount
with the corresponding currency symbol of the user's app store. -
priceCurrencyCode - string
The ISO4217 currency code of the price (BGN, EUR, USD, etc.) -
productType - "inapp" | "subs"
The type of the product - in-app purchase or subscription. -
subscriptionPeriod - string
The ISO8601 duration of the subscription. For exampleP1D
stands for a daily subscription,P1M
is a monthly subscription,P3M
is a three month subscription. The property has a value only for products of type"subs"
The native value representing the transaction. On iOS this will be an instance ofSKPaymentTransactio
and on Android this will be aorg.json.JSONObject
. -
transactionState - string
The state of the transaction. Can be one of the following:- Purchased
- Restored
- Failed
- Deferred (iOS only)
- Purchasing (iOS only)
- Refunded (Android only)
productIdentifier - string
The in-app product identifier that triggerred this transaction. -
transactionIdentifier - string
The unique identifier of the transaction. -
transactionDate - Date
The date of the transaction. -
transactionReceipt - string
The Base64 encoded transaction receipt. You can use this to do additional verification on your backend. -
originalTransaction - Transaction
This will be present only when restoring purchases and will contain the original transaction that purchased a given product. -
developerPayload - string
Custom data sent withbuyProduct
. -
dataSignature - string (Android only)
The signature for the transaction.
First we need to initialize the plugin with a list for product identifier that will be available for purchase. This is best to be done before the application starts.
Note that it is possible that the initialization of the plugin takes more time than the application to boot. So especially in the cases that you load the products on your landing page, it is best that to save the Promise
returned by the init()
method and then check it before trying to get your products.
import * as purchase from "nativescript-purchase";
(global as any).purchaseInitPromise = purchase.init(["com.sample.purchase.coolproduct1", "com.sample.purchase.coolproduct2"]);
To get the actual products with details (like title, price, currency, etc.) you should use:
import { Product } from "nativescript-purchase/product";
(global as any).purchaseInitPromise.then(() => {
purchase.getProducts().then((products: Array<Product>) => {
products.forEach((product: Product) => {
Before proceeding with buying items you should hook up to the transactionUpdated
event. This way you will receive information about the transaction state while it is executing and take necessary action when the transaction completes:
import { Transaction, TransactionState } from "nativescript-purchase/transaction";
import * as applicationSettings from "application-settings";
purchase.on(purchase.transactionUpdatedEvent, (transaction: Transaction) => {
if (transaction.transactionState === TransactionState.Purchased) {
alert(`Congratulations you just bought ${transaction.productIdentifier}!`);
applicationSettings.setBoolean(transaction.productIdentifier, true);
else if (transaction.transactionState === TransactionState.Restored) {
console.log(`Purchase of ${transaction.originalTransaction.productIdentifier} restored.`);
applicationSettings.setBoolean(transaction.originalTransaction.productIdentifier, true);
else if (transaction.transactionState === TransactionState.Failed) {
alert(`Purchase of ${transaction.productIdentifier} failed!`);
Now let's buy a product!
if (purchase.canMakePayments()) {
// NOTE: 'product' must be the same instance as the one returned from getProducts()
else {
alert("Sorry, your account is not eligible to make payments!");
NOTE: Because of the difference between iOS and Android in terms of consuming purchases - for iOS this is defined
in the product you add in iTunes Connect and it is consumed automatically, where for Android it has to be done manually -
if you will be supporting Android you will have to manually consume the purchase by calling the consumePurchase
The methods takes a single parameter that is the receipt from the transaction:
purchase.on(purchase.transactionUpdatedEvent, (transaction: Transaction) => {
if (transaction.transactionState === TransactionState.Purchased && transaction.productIdentifier.indexOf(".consume") >= 0) {
.then((responseCode) => console.log(responseCode)) // If responseCode === 0 the purchase has been successfully consumed
.catch((e) => console.log(e));
And to restore previous purchases to the user's device:
This repository includes a plain NativeScript demo. Note that in order to set up and run the demo you need to have the Grunt CLI installed globally. If you don't have it installed, you can do it by running the following in your shell:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Once you have Grunt CLI set up in order to set it up the demo run the following in your shell:
$ git clone
$ cd nativescript-purchase
$ npm install
$ grunt compile
$ cd demo
You will not be able to directly run the demo, becuase you need to add your purchases to the stores. Also since I already registered the application ID you will have to change that in the package.json
file located in the demo
folder. So make sure you read and follow the in-depth tutorials below in order to get started with the demo.
- Adding the plugin to your application and creating a purchase workflow
- Configuring iTunes Connect and making purchases on iOS
- Configuring Google Play Store and making purchases on Android