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some initial documentation
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jorenham committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent d75a8a5 commit 7f7ff9a
Showing 1 changed file with 212 additions and 6 deletions.
218 changes: 212 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,8 +1,214 @@
[![Checked with pyright](](
<h1 align="center">optype</h1>

# optype
<p align="center">
Building blocks for precise & flexible type hints.

Typing Protocols for Precise Type Hints in Python 3.12+.
<p align="center">
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> The API is not stable; use at your own risk.

## Installation

Optype is available as [`optype`]( on PyPI:

pip install optype

## Getting started

*Coming soon*

## Reference

### Elementary interfaces for the special methods

Single-method `typing.Protocol` definitions for each of the "special methods",
also known as "magic"- or "dunder"- methods. See the [python documentation
]( for


#### Comparisons

Generally these methods return a `bool`. But in theory, anything can be
returned (even if it doesn't implement `__bool__`).

| Type | Signature | Expression | Expr. Reflected |
| -------------- | -------------------------- | ----------- | --------------- |
| `CanLt[X, Y]` | `__lt__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self < x` | `x > self` |
| `CanLe[X, Y]` | `__le__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self <= x` | `x >= self` |
| `CanGe[X, Y]` | `__ge__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self >= x` | `x <= self` |
| `CanGt[X, Y]` | `__gt__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self > x` | `x < self` |
| `CanEq[X, Y]` | `__eq__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self == x` | `x == self` |
| `CanNe[X, Y]` | `__ne__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self != x` | `x != self` |

#### Arithmetic and bitwise operators


| Type | Signature | Expression |
| -------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------ |
| `CanPos[Y]` | `__pos__(self) -> Y` | `+self` |
| `CanNeg[Y]` | `__neg__(self) -> Y` | `-self` |
| `CanInvert[Y]` | `__invert__(self) -> Y` | `~self` |
| `CanAbs[Y]` | `__abs__(self) -> Y` | `abs(self)` |
| `CanRound0[Y]` | `__round__(self) -> Y` | `round(self)` |
| `CanTrunc[Y]` | `__trunc__(self) -> Y` | `math.trunc(self)` |
| `CanFloor[Y]` | `__floor__(self) -> Y` | `math.floor(self)` |
| `CanCeil[Y]` | `__ceil__(self) -> Y` | `math.ceil(self)` |


| Type | Signature | Expression |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `CanAdd[X, Y]` | `__add__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self + x` |
| `CanSub[X, Y]` | `__sub__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self - x` |
| `CanMul[X, Y]` | `__mul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self * x` |
| `CanMatmul[X, Y]` | `__matmul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self @ x` |
| `CanTruediv[X, Y]` | `__truediv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self / x` |
| `CanFloordiv[X, Y]` | `__floordiv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self // x` |
| `CanMod[X, Y]` | `__mod__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self % x` |
| `CanDivmod[X, Y]` | `__divmod__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `divmod(self, x)` |
| `CanPow[X, Y]` | `__pow__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self ** x` |
| `CanLshift[X, Y]` | `__lshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self << x` |
| `CanRshift[X, Y]` | `__rshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self >> x` |
| `CanAnd[X, Y]` | `__and__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self & x` |
| `CanXor[X, Y]` | `__xor__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self ^ x` |
| `CanOr[X, Y]` | `__or__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self \| x` |

<!-- TODO; implement separate binary round -->

**Binary (reflected):**

| Type | Signature | Expression |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `CanRAdd[X, Y]` | `__radd__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x + self` |
| `CanRSub[X, Y]` | `__rsub__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x - self` |
| `CanRMul[X, Y]` | `__rmul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x * self` |
| `CanRMatmul[X, Y]` | `__rmatmul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x @ self` |
| `CanRTruediv[X, Y]` | `__rtruediv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x / self` |
| `CanRFloordiv[X, Y]` | `__rfloordiv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x // self` |
| `CanRMod[X, Y]` | `__rmod__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x % self` |
| `CanRDivmod[X, Y]` | `__rdivmod__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `divmod(x, self)` |
| `CanRPow[X, Y]` | `__rpow__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x ** self` |
| `CanRLshift[X, Y]` | `__rlshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x << self` |
| `CanRRshift[X, Y]` | `__rrshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x >> self` |
| `CanRAnd[X, Y]` | `__rand__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x & self` |
| `CanRXor[X, Y]` | `__rxor__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x ^ self` |
| `CanROr[X, Y]` | `__ror__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `x \| self` |

**Binary (augmented / in-place):**

| Type | Signature | Expression |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------ |
| `CanIAdd[X, Y]` | `__iadd__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self += x` |
| `CanISub[X, Y]` | `__isub__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self -= x` |
| `CanIMul[X, Y]` | `__imul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self *= x` |
| `CanIMatmul[X, Y]` | `__imatmul__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self @= x` |
| `CanITruediv[X, Y]` | `__itruediv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self /= x` |
| `CanIFloordiv[X, Y]` | `__ifloordiv__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self //= x` |
| `CanIMod[X, Y]` | `__imod__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self %= x` |
| `CanIPow[X, Y]` | `__ipow__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self **= x` |
| `CanILshift[X, Y]` | `__ilshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self <<= x` |
| `CanIRshift[X, Y]` | `__irshift__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self >>= x` |
| `CanIAnd[X, Y]` | `__iand__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self &= x` |
| `CanIXor[X, Y]` | `__ixor__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self ^= x` |
| `CanIOr[X, Y]` | `__ior__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `self \|= x` |


<!-- TODO: implement separate ternary pow -->

### Containers

<!-- TODO: CanContains, CanGetitem, CanSetitem, CanDelitem, CanMissing -->

### Iteration


<!-- TODO -->


<!-- TODO -->

### Generic interfaces for builtins

#### `optype.Slice[A, B, S]`

A generic interface of the builin
[`slice`]( object.


- `(B) -> Slice[None, B, None]`
- `(A, B) -> Slice[A, B, None]`
- `(A, B, S) -> Slice[A, B, S]`

these are valid for the `slice(start?, stop, step?)` constructor,
and for the extended indexing syntax `_[start? : stop? : step?]` (the `?`
denotes an optional parameter).

- `@typing.runtime_checkable`
- ``

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