file for why.
This file is intended to give an overview of the design of the library and to give a few hints on expected use cases.
An online copy of the documentation, generated using the excellent Marginalia tool is at
All the useful details of the flutter API are documented as inline documention on their respective wrappers and namespaces, so please pull up the inline docs in your favorite development environment or just browse the source code if you want to know the specifics.
This is a work in progress. The API may change, read the CHANGES file when upgrading. This code almost certainly contains bugs. If you find one, check the latest release or the master branch on and if it's not been fixed, please report any issues - preferably using a pull request on github.
(c) 2011 Joost Diepenmaat, Zeekat Softwareontwikkeling -
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.