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Compiling for Raspberry Pi

Jonti Olds edited this page Apr 15, 2017 · 6 revisions

How to compile JMPX for Raspberry Pi

NB: this is outdated please someone update

Note: This shows how to compile for the Pi so JMPX can be run. It has reportedly been successfully run on a Raspberry Pi2 with an HifiBerry DAC+ using JACK and VLC with modification to the source code to select VLC as the input sound device and the system out JACK port as the output sound device. Personally testing on a Raspberry Pi1 with an Xonar U7 the CPU load was to high and did not run properly. Therefore it seems that a Pi2 is needed to run JMPX properly.


  • Hardware: Raspberry Pi B+
  • OS: Raspbian Jessie, version September 2015
  • OS Image SHA-1: d8d4880cd0e4f155f343984725d5bd94c1f86023
  • JMPX circa 16/Oct/2015

Option 1: using the command line

Install things

# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
# sudo apt-get install libjack-jackd2-dev
# sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
# sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev

Download JMPX source code ( the most recent is ) and extract. At the command line navigate to the extracted directory. In this directory you should see two directories "libJMPX" and "JMPX", both of which are Qt projects that need compiling. The following will compiling the two projects and will add a symbolic link from the GUI project directory ( "JMPX" directory ) to the library created by the other project ( "libJMPX" directory).


# cd libJMPX
# qmake
# make
# cd ../JMPX
# ln -s ../libJMPX/
# qmake
# make


# ./JMPX