Please refer to for phase 1 of this project.
Phase 2 will concentrate more on the tactic infrastructure and proof techniques, in an attempt to make them easier to use (phase 1 was a hodgepodge of many different techniques without much clarity - mostly just a proof of concept).
This site uses Coq version 8.6. The exact file coq-version-used will be updated with the output of coqtop --version, and the file coq-githash-used will be updated with the git hash (as reported by coqtop -batch for development versions) for the exact Coq build used. However, all attempts will be made to keep compatibility with the released 8.6 version.
First up: a rewrite of gaptrees, renamed to wavltrees, and made to correspond more closely with the work on weak-AVL trees at Princeton as reported in Those familiar with phase 1 of this project will recall that weak-AVL trees (gaptrees) were "discovered" by accident there, but the Princeton group has claim to finding them first.
Dependent Type-Directed Development (a.k.a "Mindless Coding").
The point of this exercise is best seen by comparing the Coq sources wavl.v and wavl-noninter.v to their respective extracted OCaml output files and
First, the reason I have provided both wavl.v and wavl-noninter.v is that the latter is perhaps more "programmer-friendly" to many, especially those unfamiliar with Coq's interactive proof mode. Note that they both generate nearly identical OCaml code (compare to, and note that virtually all differences between them involve just variable renamings). Even though I am a software developer, and certainly not a type theorist, I have come to favor use of Coq's interactive proof mode for its ability to guide one to a solution - providing: Interactive Dependent Type-Directed Development.
Back to the main result: Note how the main wavltree functions (find, rot1, rot2, insert, drot1, drot2, delmin, delmax and delete) in the primary input files (wavl.v and wavl-noninter.v) closely follow the generated OCaml code ( and But, note the important difference: although the control flows in the functions are apparent in the .v files, the function "leaves" (the terms returned at the end of each control path) are all filled in using Coq's proof search via tactics. This is only possible due to the very dependent nature of the function specifications (argument and return types), as well as the very dependent nature of the data structure (wavltree) itself. As a result, the functions in the primary .v files are far easier to "code" (the distinction between proving and coding disappears) than they would be if the user was coding directly in the output language (OCaml), as well as being guaranteed (modulo Coq's trustworthiness, as well as that of the invariants specified in the dependent types) to be correct, as well as being generated (in the .ml files) completely unburdened by proof-required parts.
What are the underlying contributions enabling this result?:
True Erasability.
I wish Coq had this built in, but it doesn't (Idris does, but Idris was still not quite mature enough to handle the other complexity of this project last I checked; Agda doesn't have true erasability, but can handle the other complexity). Instead, Coq's erasure of Props and some type args has to be enhanced via. erasable.v. However, when this is done (with sufficient care so as not to become inconsistent), the OCaml output code is as good as one would expect from an expert developer, and is completely free of all required-only-for-proving elements. Claiming this as a "contribution" is perhaps claiming too much, as this kind of erasability has been suggested before. However, this project attempts to demonstrate how important a feature this is (or would be).
As the erasability feature is implemented here (Coq Props + erasable.v), one important detail for nay-sayers to notice is that the impact on the Coq source files wavl.v and wavl-noninter.v is very minor. While it is true that certain types need to be mirrored as erasable types (EZ for Z, EB for bool, EL for list A), as well as certain functions, the definitions are trivial.
Another important detail is that implementations of erasability similar to this one (as opposed to Coq's "Extraction Implicit" mechanism, for example) prevents automated proof search, as well as the programmer, from accidentally using elements marked for erasure in a way that prevents their eventual erasure.
Specialized (semi)decision procedures for types used in specifications.
The files sorted.v and solvesorted.v provide a (semi)decision procedure (semi only because I haven't determined it is complete, but it has held up under considerable stress) for sorted lists of arbitrary elements. The Examples at the end of solvesorted.v demonstrate some of what this decision procedure can decide.
The file ezbool.v provides a (semi)decision procedure (or, rather enhances the already existent ones omega and ring) for bools and integers (Z). The enhancements enable multi-goal solution using Coq's (new to version 8.5) backtracking proof search capabilities, including techniques for the solution of subgoals sharing existential variables (evars). I believe this may be one of the first Coq developments to exploit backtracking in this way.
As a result, it becomes very easy to write small specialized proof-search tactics (solve_find, solve_wavl, solve_insert, etc.) for each function, and use them in a predictable and consistent way to remove the burden of algorithm implementation - even in cases where one does not know the algorithm, nor even know if an algorithm exists (as was the case with wavltrees/gaptrees).
The important point to these (semi)decision procedures is that they are generic - nothing about them restricts their usage to wavltrees, or to just binary trees, etc. They are developed once, and should be usable by a large variety of dependent-type driven developments (although they may not be sufficiently complete yet).