As a church in Germany we sing a lot of songs in English and want to display German translations as well. For our international community we want to display English translations for the German songs. Sometimes we want to switch the language. And on the stage display we'd rather only show the lyrics without the translations.
Accomplishing this in ProPresenter can be quite cumbersome so this little suite offers the following functions to manipulate ProPresenter 7 (.pro) and ProPresenter 6 (.pro6) files:
- Fill notes: copies the text of the top layer text fields of each slide to the slide's notes (to display the slide notes on the stage display)
- Merge two languages: copies the top layer text fields of each slide of one presentation into another and saves it as a new presentation
- Switch languages: switches the two top layer text fields of each slide of one presentation and saves it as a new presentation
Installers for Windows and macOS are available under releases.
- Start ProPresenter Suite.
- In the section of the function you want to execute, browse the file you want to edit. ProPresenter Suite will show a notification once it finishes.
- In ProPresenter force save by pressing Ctrl + S or Cmd + S.
- Choose "Revert" in the dialog.
If you want to contribute, here are some hints to get you started:
This app is built on Electron and thus requires Node.js.
Clone repository and install dependencies:
git clone
cd ProPresenter-Suite
npm install --production=false
Start the app from the CLI:
npm start
Package app and create installers:
npm run package-win npm run create-installer-win
npm run package-mac npm run create-installer-mac
greyshirtguy for his proto files to decode ProPresenter 7 files