Here is my quick Xamarin iOS translation of the material-showcase-ios classes. All credits go to aromajoin, I just translated his code from swift to C#.
For more informations, please visite his repo :
public class TestViewController : UIViewController
private UIBarButtonItem target;
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// Place a button in the NavigationBar
target = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Add, (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine("bar button clicked"));
NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem(target, true);
public override void ViewDidAppear()
// Instantiate a new MaterialShowcase
var showcase = new MaterialShowcase();
showcase.primaryText = "Hello";
showcase.secondaryText = "I'm a showcase";
// Set the UIBarButtonItem as the target view
// Show the showcase
public override void ViewDidAppear()
// Define an action when the showcase is dismissed and set his delegate
Action showcaseDidDismiss = () => Console.WriteLine("showcase dismissed");
showcase.showcaseDelegate = new ShowcaseDelegate(showcaseDidDismiss);
// Delegate to execute code when showcase is dismissed
private class ShowcaseDelegate : IMaterialShowcaseDelegate
private Action ShowcaseDidDismiss;
public ShowcaseDelegate(Action showcaseDidDismiss)
ShowcaseDidDismiss = showcaseDidDismiss;
public void ShowCaseDidDismiss()
public void ShowCaseWillDismiss()