- Start
- Prologue.0.1 Setting Up Client-Server
- Prologue.0.2 Server runs/run loop + Basic Authentication
- Prologue.0.3 Generate and Draw Basic Map
- Prologue Drawing and Moving around @
- Prologue Turn Time System
- Prologue Placing and Randomly Moving Enemies
- Prologue Camera
- Prologue Field of View
- Prologue Creating UI
- Prologue Melee
- Prologue Animations
- Prologue Data Files
- Prologue Save/Load run
- Prologue Inventory and items
- Prologue Ranged Combat
- Prologue Generating Shelter
- Prologue Ilumination
- Prologue Multiple Shelter Levels
- Prologue.1.0 Leaving the Shelter. Minimal Full Playable version
- choose a colors palette
- history improved with loots
- Sound effects
- Turn counter into datetime
- Use modal for dialogs
- help modal showing controls settings and config
- Center camera if is greater than map
- render order, tiles-corpses-items-foes-player
- only pass turn if action is really done, no effect actions
- damage tooltips
- on key pressed down ,movement at constant speed
- unselect targets dead or not in LOS
- test non-square fonts
- cumulative history, instead of x lines, (x) action
- simulate nuclear shelter collapse
- markers where noise is heard
- markings on the edge of the map indicating quest directions
- dummy items
- Tilesets as well as ascii
- two letter names on ascii ??
- Movement
- Melee
- Ranged
- Rumble
- move support
- Show tooltip with stats on mouse over map/entities
- Move long distance using mouse
- Select tile and foe with mouse
- Choose/Random player name at start
- Check client is not flooding core with commands.one each 400ms?
- settings: resize window, custom controls, change scale...
- Player can modify ppp size 12/16/24...
- resize map on windows resize
- random pj start point instead center
- check all map is connected
- wide corridors
- Put pillars in large rooms
- add furniture
- open/close doors
- lights, ilumination
- Check client is not flooding server with commands.min each Xms?
- seeds for reproducible runs
- One turn equals 10,15,30 or 60 seg
- manage runs, set a maximun
- save in files and delete runs from memory after some inactivity
- bypassing columns increase movement cost
- mark visited items like visited ??
- Show PJ position coords maybe as a skill
- info about criatures/npc must be unblocked
- R highligths all criatures/npcs same color except the one selected
- minigames open lock, sudoku, hacking, brute force
- mini screen for shooting from far distance
- Grid centered on x,y instead of x+0.5,y+0.5 avoiding offsets
- Map Prefabs
- Autoexplore
- Stats
- Experience and levels
- bug
All the artwork is either public domain or released under a variety of Creative Commons licenses. To determine the copyright status of any of the artwork, consult the Artwork Copyright File