Install it yourself as:
$ gem install applocale
Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'applocale'
And then execute:
$ bundle
+ init [platform] # Create Config File, platform: ios | android
+ reverse # Convert localization string file to xlsx
[--skip] # Skip Error
+ update # Download xlsx and convert to localization strings file
+ update_local # Convert local xlsx file to localization string file
+ version # Show the AppLocale verions
+ findkey [key] # Findkey and gen report for ios and convert to xlsx
[--path] # Project Path
For XLSX To localization String files:
Step1: create config file in default path 'AppLocale/AppLocaleFile':
$ applocale init IOS
Step2: edit config file
Step3: Download and convert xlsx to strings file
$ applocale update
For localization String files To XLSX :
Step1: create config file in default path 'AppLocale/AppLocaleFile':
$ applocale init IOS
Step2: edit config file
Step3: convert to xlsx
$ applocale reverse
*** Note that, the special character handling in xlsx is base on strings file(IOS) format.
link: [link] #download link for xlsx, it support google spreadsheet
platform: [android|ios] #It can be android or ios
xlsxpath: [xlsxpath] #local path for save or read xlsx
export_format: [csv|xlsx] # format of downloaded files.
google_credentials_path: [google_credentials_path] #optional: google credentials file path
[lang1]: [lang1_path] #localization strings file path for lang1
[lang2]: [lang2_path] #localization strings file path for lang2
[lang3]: [lang3_path] #localization strings file path for lang3
[Section1]: #sheetname
key_str: [header] #header str for key
[lang1]: [header] #header str for lang1
[lang2]: [header] #header str for lang2
[lang3]: [header] #header str for lang3
[Section3]: #sheetname
row: [row] #first row number
key: [col] #col label or number for key
[lang1]: [col] #col label or number for lang1
[lang2]: [col] #col label or number for lang2
[lang3]: [col] #col label or number for lang3
*** Note that, for format in sheetname, it can be either by header or row and col lable
for example:
link: ""
platform: "ios"
xlsxpath: "string.xlsx"
export_format: "csv"
zh_TW: "IOS/zh_TW.strings"
zh_CN: "IOS/zh_CN.strings"
en_US: "IOS/en_US.strings"
key_str: "Key"
en_US: "English"
zh_TW: "Chinese(Traditional)"
zh_CN: "Chinese(Simplified)"
key_str: "Key"
en_US: "English"
zh_TW: "zh_TW"
zh_CN: "zh_CN"
row: "3"
key: "A"
en_US: "B"
zh_TW: "C"
zh_CN: "D"
*** You can also set conversion logic by create method of 'convent_to_locale', 'before_convent_to_locale', 'after_convent_to_locale', 'parse_from_locale', 'before_parse_from_locale', 'after_parse_from_locale'