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Python package Python package

ShExStatements allows the users to generate shape expressions from simple CSV statements, CSV files and Spreadsheet. shexstatements can be used from the command line as well as from the web interface.

Quick start

Using pip

Set up a virtual environment and install shexstatements.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install shexstatements

Run the following command with an example CSV file. The file contains an example description of a language on Wikidata. This file uses comma as a delimiter to separate the values.

$ examples/language.csv

Build from source


Clone the ShExStatements repository.

$ git clone 

Go to ShExStatements directory.

$ cd ShExStatements

Install modules required by ShExStatements (here: installing into a virtual environment).

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install .

Run the following command with an example CSV file. The file contains an example description of a language on Wikidata. This file uses comma as a delimiter to separate the values.

$ ./ examples/language.csv

CSV file can use delimiters like ;. Take for example, the following command works with a file using semi-colon as a delimiter.

$ ./ examples/languagedelimsemicolon.csv --delim ";"

But sometimes, users may like to specify the header. In that case, they can make use of -s or --skipheader to tell the generator to skip the header (firsrt line of CSV).

$ ./ --skipheader examples/header/languageheader.csv 

It is also possible to work with Spreadsheet files like .ods, .xls or .xlsx.

$ examples/language.ods
$ examples/language.xls
$ examples/language.xlsx

In all the above cases, the shape expression generated by ShExStatements will look like

PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
start = @<language>
<language> {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q34770  ] ;# instance of a language
  wdt:P1705 LITERAL ;# native name
  wdt:P17 .+ ;# spoken in country
  wdt:P2989 .+ ;# grammatical cases
  wdt:P282 .+ ;# writing system
  wdt:P1098 .+ ;# speakers
  wdt:P1999 .* ;# UNESCO language status
  wdt:P2341 .+ ;# indigenous to

Use -j or --shexj to generate ShEx JSON Syntax (ShExJ) instead of default ShEx Compact syntax (ShExC).

$ ./ --shexj examples/language.csv 

The output will be similiar to:

  "type": "Schema",
  "start": "language",
  "shapes": [
      "type": "Shape",
      "id": "language",
      "expression": {


It's also possible to use application profiles of the following form


and Shape expressions can be generated using the following form

$ ./ -ap --skipheader examples/languageap.csv 


  • Easily generate shape expressions (ShEx) from CSV files and Spreadsheets
  • Simple syntax

Documentation and examples

A detailed documentation can be found here. with a number of example CSV files in the examples folder.

Test cases and coverage

All the test cases can be run in the following manner

$ python3 -m tests.tests

Code coverage report can also be generated by running the unit tests using the coverage tool.

$ coverage run --source=shexstatements -m unittest tests.tests
$ coverage report -m

Web interface

shexstatements can also be accessed from a web interface. Clone the ShExStatements repository.

$ git clone 

Go to ShExStatements directory.

$ cd ShExStatements

Install modules required by ShExStatements (here: installing into a virtual environment).

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install .

Now run the application.

$ ./ -r 

Check the URL


ShExStatements also has an API to generate ShEx from CSV and is described here.


Online demonstrations are also available:


Conference Proceedings

  • ShExStatements: Simplifying Shape Expressions for Wikidata , John Samuel, Wiki Workshop 2021 (held at The Web Conference 2021), 14 April 2021 (PDF, Slides)


  • Wikidata Community

Archives and Releases


All code are released under GPLv3+ licence. The associated documentation and other content are released under CC-BY-SA.