Blindfolds is a JavaScript-based library I made for making presentations. I was probably drunk when I named it. I made this last year when I was assigned to create a presentation, and was too lazy to create it within PowerPoint.
To get started, create an HTML file and link main.css
and create a JavaScript file that should be linked as a module
. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./main.css" />
<script src="./index.js" type="module"></script>
In your JavaScript file, import Blindfolds:
import * as BLINDFOLDS from "./Blindfolds.js";
You can then initialize a new presentation like so:
// Intiailize the Blindfolds library
var Presentation = new BLINDFOLDS.BlindfoldsPresentation({
SlideCount: 5,
FixedHTML: `
<div style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); padding: 0.8vw; font-size: 0.7vw;">
Blindfolds |SLCOUNT|
PresentationName: "Blindfolds",
The parameters are pretty self-explanatory: SlideCount
is the number of slides. FixedHTML
is some HTML code that's overlaid over the presentation. PresentationName
is the presentation name.
You may want to create a template for your slides for consistency in the slide designs:
// Create Template
const SlideTemplateConfiguration = {
BackgroundColor: "rgb(30, 30, 35)",
FontColor: "#E5E5E5",
TitleFontSize: "4vw",
ContentFontSize: "2vw",
AdditionalTitleClasses: "Type",
AdditionalContentClasses: "Type",
ExtraHTML: `
<div style="width: 100%; height: 5vh; background: rgba(0, 0, 10, 0.2); position: absolute; bottom: 0;"></div>
is the background color used. FontColor
is the color of the text. TitleFontSize
controls the font size of the title, and ContentFontSize
controls the font size of the content.
and AdditionalContentClasses
are additonal classes that are added to the title and the content. In the example above, the Type
class adds a typing animation.
To create a slide, you can use the BlindfoldsSlide
var TitleSlide = new BLINDFOLDS.BlindfoldsSlide({
Title: "This Is {{Blindfolds}}.",
Content: "A {{JavaScript-based presentation library}} I programmed a while ago.",
AdditionalTitleStyling: "position: absolute; top: 45vh; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);",
AdditionalContentStyling: "text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 57%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);",
ContentFontSize: "1.2vw",
TitleFontSize: "4.4vw",
The slide above would generate a slide resembling the following:
We import parameters from the template with ...SlideTemplateConfiguration
. Title
is the title of the slide. Content
is the content shown on the slide. AdditionalTitleStyling
is CSS styling added to the title,
and AdditionalContentStyling
is CSS styling added to the content. You may also wrap the title and content in {{
and }}
to apply the Importance
class on them, which can be customized in main.css
You may create all your slides in the same manner. To finally run the presentation, we use the object we created to initialize the presentation, call the Run()
function, and pass the slides in an array
as the only argument.
Presentation.Run([TitleSlide, Slide2, Slide3, End]);
Takes an Options
argument, which accepts:
(type: Number)
(type: String)
(type: String)
Takes an Options
argument, which accepts:
(type: String) (Has to be a string, because the CSS measurement is also passed on with it, for example 1.5em
(type: String) (Has to be a string, because the CSS measurement is also passed on with it, for example 1.5em
(type: String)
(type: String)
(type: String) (accept CSS coloring method, for example black
(type: String) (accept CSS coloring method, for example indianred
(type: String)
(type: String)
(type: String)
(type: String)
(type: String)
(type: Array of BlindfoldsSlide