Add running your Jasmine specs to your Guardfile
via jasmine-headless-webkit
. Nice!
guard 'jasmine-headless-webkit' do
watch(%r{^app/assets/javascripts/(.*)\..*}) { |m| newest_js_file("spec/javascripts/#{m[1]}_spec") }
gem install guard-jasmine-headless-webkit
and then guard init jasmine-headless-webkit
in your project directory to get started.
You should also put it in your Gemfile
because, hey, why not, right?
Output is colored by default. If you want it not colored, place a --no-colors
option into the project's or your
home folder's .jasmine-headless-webkit
:all_on_start => false
to not run everything when starting, just likeguard-rspec
.:valid_extensions => %w{js coffee}
to only triggerrun_on_change
events for files with these extensions. Forces Guard to re-run all tests when any other matched file changes.- All other options from
: (see the list of available options)
If your code required Jammit or ERB templates, which aren't directly supported by jasmine-headledd-webkit
use guard-rails-assets
chained in before guard-jasmine-headless-webkit
to precompile your application
code for testing:
guard 'rails-assets' do
guard 'jasmine-headless-webkit' do
... specs ...
Do the same for Jammit, using guard-jammit
Jammit >= 0.6.0 changed how it determines the Rails environment. Use my fork of guard-jammit
until it's fixed upstream.
Since one could, theoretically, have a CoffeeScript app file and a JavaScript spec file (or vice versa), the search for the correct matching
file is a little more complicated. newest_js_file
extends the Guard DSL to search the given path for the newest .js
or .coffee
#=> search for Dir['spec/javascripts/models/my_model*.{js,coffee}'] and return the newest file found
If you 100% know you won't need that support, modify your Guardfile
as appropriate.
This library is released under the MIT license: