- Sorting algorithm
- Big O notation
- Sorting algorithms animations
- 15 sorting algorithms in 6 minutes
- CS50 Algorithms explanation in detail by David Malan
- All about sorting algorithms
- At least four different sorting algorithms
- What is the Big O notation, and how to evaluate the time complexity of an algorithm
- How to select the best sorting algorithm for a given input
- What is a stable sorting algorithm
Task | File |
0. Bubble sort | 0-bubble_sort.c_ |
1. Insertion sort | 1-insertion_sort_list.c |
2. Selection sort | 2-selection_sort.c |
3. Quick sort | 3-quick_sort.c |
4. Shell sort - Knuth Sequence | 100-shell_sort.c |
5. Cocktail shaker sort | 101-cocktail_sort.c |
6. Counting sort | 102-counting_sort.c |
7. Merge sort | 103-merge_sort.c |
8. Heap sort | 104-heap_sort.c |
9. Radix sort | 105-radix_sort.c |
10. Bitonic sort | 106-bitonic_sort.c |
11. Quick Sort - Hoare Partition scheme | |
12. Dealer |