Easy inline test writing. tapered uses Babel and Webpack to generate Tape test files from test code written inline in comments
npm install tapered.js
Add the following lines to your .babelrc file.
- "presets": ["env"],
- "plugins": ["tapered.js/tapered-babel-plugin.js"]
Add these requires to the top of your webpack.config file:
- const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
- const tapered = require('tapered.js/tapered-webpack-plugin.js');
Add the following to your webpack's plugins array and specify the location of your test file e.g. /tests/tape-test-sample.js
plugins : [
new tapered(),
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
extractComments: {
condition: /dab/,
Specify the same desired test file location for the fields marked with 'INSERT TEST FILE LOCATION HERE' in the tapered.js folder inside your node modules directory: /node_modules/tapered.js/tapered-webpack-plugin.js
const file = compilation.assets['INSERT DESIRED TEST FILE LOCATION HERE'];
>>: _test name_
>>:a: _specify assertion_
const demo = {};
demo.add = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
/* %tapered */
>>:a: demo.add(1, 2) equal 3 | should add numbers
>>:a: demo.add(0, 1) notEqual 2 | should add numbers correctly
const demo = require('/src/demo.js');
test('add', function (t) {
t.equal(demo.add(1, 2), 3 , 'should add numbers');
t.notEqual(demo.add(0, 1), 2 , 'should add numbers correctly');
1. All tapered code must be written inside of block comments. 2. Tests must always begin with a name.
Syntax | Function |
%tapered | requires the file for testing |
: name | define test name : variables | define variables :a: assertions | define assertions %g | defines global variables accessible across the entire test file :x: | skips a test :o: | tests only that test :p: | specifies number of assertions to run per test
- Expression e.g. demo.multiply(1,2)
- Assertion e.g. equal
- Expected e.g. 2
- Description/Message e.g. should multiply numbers
_>>:a: Expression Assertion Expected | optional message_
>>:a: demo.multiply(1,2) equal 2 | should multiply numbers
Assertion | Function |
equal | asserts equality |
notEqual | asserts inequality |
deepEqual | asserts deep equality - use when comparing objects |
notDeepEqual | asserts deep inequality - use when comparing objects |