This project is based on the work of:
- Philipp Gathow (
- Joerg Pleumann (
- Gerhard Bertelsmann (
- Hardi-St(
Provides z21 and RemoteCS2/3 app(can2lan) server for Maerklin Trainbox 60113. Needs an Esp32 and a Tja1050.
Programming of locos through z21 app is deactivated by default and can be activated in webserver(will automatic be deactivated by next reboot).
Known problems:
- z21 loco programming is not tested
- z21 app does not get stop or go command from MS. Reason unknown
- Testing of reading of configuration from additional MS2 with software version less than 3.0
- Reading of Mfx loco to make MS2 redundant => loco managment needed in that case. Possible solution is output of mfx loco address on webserver for z21 app
- The Z21 interface only notifies loco values, if this loco was controlled before
- Use PlatformIO to build Filesystem Image
- Upload FilesystemImage
- Upload code
- Connect to new access point with password (password is 2 times the last 4 digits of access point name)
- Start RemoteCS2/3 or z21 App. Connect to server under ip
- Go to webserver under or gleisbox.local
- Go to Home
- mark checkbox for "Read locos from Mobile Station"
- Click on Submit
- There is currently no feedback when transmission finished
Adressing can be done exactly like in z21 by using loco configuration in z21 App. Additionally adressing can be done by assinging adresses. This prevents unwanted rewritting of adresses.
- 1000 => DCC Step 14
- 2000 => Motorola
- 4000 => MFX
- 6000 => DCC 28 steps
- 8000 => DCC 128 steps
With this mechanism, locos can be controlled with identical adress for Motorola and DCC at the same time. What can not be done is using the same adress for different DCC step configurations. So a loco with adress 3 as an example can only exist in the 1000-1999, 6000-7999 or 8000-9999 area. If a loco exists two times, the first one with the adress will be chosen.
- 1-999 Motorola
- 1000-x DCC