An overview of this project can be seen following this link
Contents of directories:
- Apk-Android: Source Code and last compilation of android apk
- Arduino: Source Code of arduino board
- BaseDatos: .sql query for build new DB with the struct predifined (MySQL prefered)
- Documentacion: Some documentation of:
- ScreenShot of the web aplication
- Open Source License (GNU)
- Final report of the solution
- Architecture of the project
- Logo: Some .png images used in the project
- Presentacion: Presentation of the project in Web format (Can be used without internet connection)
- Socket: Socket server side built on php
- Web: Final solution of the project, socket server and android-apk running needed for right usage
The full report of the project can be found at: Documentacion/Report GeoDrone.pdf (English and Spanish)