Updated version of my previous Encryption-Decryption program. The same plaintext will encode into different cyphertext each time. With an improved GUI and special mode! Also written by someone with 3 more years of programming experience, hopefully the code and GUI reflects that.
After cloning this repo locally, create a virtual environment. After activating it, run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all necessary packages.
NOTE: this program was developed using Python 3.11.1
After activating your virtual environment, run py ./main_gui.py
This section will explain the items in the GUI.
- Input Text Box - where the user enters in either the plaintext that they want to encode or the cyphertext that they want to decode.
- Clear Input and Output Button - clears both the Input and Output Text boxes
- Output Text Box - where the resulting plaintext or cyphertext will appear after decoding or encoding, respectfully.
- This box is read-only
- Text is automatically copied to the clipboard for ease of use.
- Encoding Mode Section - allows user to choose either how the plaintext will be encoded or how the cyphertext is currently encoded.
- Note: When decoding, make sure the correct mode is selected, matching the mode used when encoding the cyphertext. Mode should be evident through cyphertext.
- Encode Button - encodes the text currently in the Input Text Box, using the mode currently selected.
- Decode Button - decodes the text currently in the Input Text Box, using the mode currently selected.
If you'd like to see an example of what the "I'm Feeling Goofy" mode outputs, take a look at /images/goofy.png (SPOILER ALERT!).
Last updated 8/28/2024 by Jason Chen