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On-the-fly insertion of non-breakable spaces in (La)TeX modes

The purpose of this package is to connect some defined words (by default one letter Polish prepositions) with the following words by tilde, which is the non-breakable space in TeX. This is needed to avoid one letter prepositions at line endings in TeX documents, which is required by the Polish and Czech typography/typesetting rules.

This program serves two purposes. First of them is to check the text and suggest adding missing tildes in some places. This function is implemented in tex-hard-spaces via query-replace-regexp. It is provided for convenience only to have both functionalities in the same module. More elaborated implementation can be found in the tildify package which is part of GNU Emacs (ATTENTION: default variable settings in the tildify package are suited for Czech language, those here are for Polish).

The second purpose is the automatic, on-the-fly insertion of tildes after one letter prepositions during writing. It is implemented via the tex-magic-space command which is a kind of electric space and should be bound to SPC to work. To activate this functionality you have to turn on tex-magic-space-mode. After loading this package this command is bound to the C-c SPC. The minor mode TeX Magic Space can be also turned on from the modeline minor mode menu. This mode is denoted by " ~" in the modeline. The ":Chk" after " ~" in the modeline shows that test are enabled. You can enable tests using tex-magic-space-toggle-checking command, bound to the C-c C-SPC.

For the time being the tests in tex-magic-space-tests are in early beta phase; if you want to insert ' ' where tex-magic-space-mode inserts '~', use C-q SPC to enter single space, or turn off the TeX Magic Space mode fro editing the fragment of document where nonbreakable spaces are not needed.

The TeX Magic Space mode can be automatically turned on in the TeX modes by adding the equivalent of turn-on-tex-magic-space-mode to the hooks defined in the variable tex-magic-space-mode-hooks-list using the command turn-on-tex-magic-space-in-tex-modes.

There are also defined two fill predicates, fill-single-letter-word-nobreak-p and fill-tex-magic-space-nobreak-p, which after set as value of fill-nobreak-predicate variable makes filling (M-q aka fill-paragraph and auto-fill-mode) to not break line after single letter words. The latter predicate uses the same test as TeX Magic Space mode. Not shown in modeline.

See also: