- Express API
- RESTful Routes
- Full CRUD on User model, GET, POST, and DELETE on Favorites model
- jQuery
- Templating
- MongoDB
- User Model, Favorites Model
- Git
- 200+ commits
- Visual Design
- Flexbox
- Vanilla CSS
- BootStrap
- Heroku
- Homepage
- Trending GIFs (Stretch Goal!)
- Sign Up
- Simple Form Validation
- Login
- Check for ID w/ existing email, and verify password
- Profile
- Delete Account
- Home Button to go back to /
- Logout, to login page
- See 2 topics from signup
- Edit Both Topics (Stretch Goal!)
- Refresh gifs related to topic (Stretch Goal!)
- GIF in Modal (Stretch Goal!)
- Favorite GIFs
- Remove Favorite GIFs (Stretch Goal!)
- Change Name
- Family Friend VS Adult Mode (G Rating, R Rating)
- Explore other users by topic
- Suggested GIFs
- More CSS
- Animation
- Auth
- Sessions
- Meets MVP requirements
- Teamwork
- Hit 5 stretch goals
- Improved debugging skills
- So much learning, where do we start???
- Fun Logo
- Great Practice in Git
- Merging conflicts, resolving errors
- We both got to work out of our comfort zone (backend vs frontend)
- Getting AUTH set up error free on first try
- Trello
- Building out CSS/Design
- The UD of CRUD
Favorite Function
$('.heart1').on('click', (event) =>{
let url = $('img')[0].currentSrc;
let giphId = $('img')[0].id;
const favoriteUrl = `/api/v1/create-favorite/${giphId+userId}` // CAMEL CASE
let favoriteData = {
"giphId": giphId+userId,
"url": url,
"userId": userId
method: `POST`,
url: `${favoriteUrl}`,
data: favoriteData,
success: populateFavorites,
error: (error) => {
View in Modal Function
$('.eye1').on('click', (event) =>{
let url = $('img')[0].currentSrc;
let giphId = $('img')[0].id;
const template5 = `
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
<img id="${giphId}" src="${url}" width="465" height="auto"/>
<div class="image-content">
Unique gif ID
let favoriteData = {
"giphId": giphId+userId,
"url": url,
"userId": userId,
method: `POST`,
url: `${createFavoriteUrl}`,
data: favoriteData,
success: populateFavorites,
error: (error) => {
- Project Planning Documents -