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separate generation code from display code
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jmdejong committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent b64a9b9 commit 8c02d6d
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Showing 5 changed files with 376 additions and 330 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions display.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ class Display {
this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

resize(size) {
this.canvas.width = size.x;
this.canvas.height = size.y;

line(v1, v2, color, width) {
if (!color) {
color = "black";
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335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions elaborate.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
"use strict";

const TRIHEIGHT = 0.866;

class Node {
constructor(id, pos, size) { = id;
this.pos = pos;
this.size = size;
this.baseHeight = 0;
this.sink = false;
this.sea = false;
this.waterHeight = 0;
this.drains = [];
this.water = 0;
this.outflow = [];
this.momentum = 0;
this.sediment = 0;

isSea() {
return this.sea || this.isSink();

isWaterBody() {
return this.isSea() || this.waterHeight > 0;

isSink() {
return this.sink;

height() {
return this.baseHeight + this.waterHeight;

changeGround(ground) {
this.baseHeight += ground;

class NodeGraph {
constructor(seed, size, nodeSize, nodeRandomness) {
this.size = size;
this.seed = seed;
this.nodes = new Map();
this.ns = nodeSize;
this.nodedim = this.size.mult(1/this.ns);
this._topY = 0
this._bottomY = Math.ceil(this.nodedim.y/TRIHEIGHT)

for (let y=this._topY; y<=this._bottomY; ++y) {
let xo = -y/2|0
for (let x=this._leftX(y); x<=this._rightX(y); ++x) {
let nv = vec2(x, y);
let a = randf(nv, 930 * this.seed)*2*Math.PI;
let r = randf(nv, 872 * this.seed);
let off = vec2(Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)).mult((1-r*r)*nodeRandomness/2);
let pos = vec2(x + y/2, y*TRIHEIGHT).add(off).mult(this.ns);
let node = new Node(nv, pos, this.ns)
this.nodes.set(nv.hash(), node);
for (let node of this.sinks()) {
node.sink = true;
for (let node of this.nodes.values()) {
node.neighbours = this.neighbours(node);

_leftX(y) {
return -y/2|0;
_rightX(y) {
return this._leftX(y) + this.nodedim.x;

getNode(id) {
return this.nodes.get(id.hash());

sinks() {
let sinks = [];
for (let x=this._leftX(this._topY); x<=this._rightX(this._topY); ++x) {
sinks.push(this.getNode(vec2(x, this._topY)));
for (let x=this._leftX(this._bottomY); x<=this._rightX(this._bottomY); ++x) {
sinks.push(this.getNode(vec2(x, this._bottomY)));
for (let y=this._topY + 1; y<this._bottomY; ++y) {
sinks.push(this.getNode(vec2(this._leftX(y), y)));
sinks.push(this.getNode(vec2(this._rightX(y), y)));
return sinks.filter(e => e);

neighbours(node) {
return [vec2(1, 0), vec2(-1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(0, -1), vec2(1, -1), vec2(-1, 1)]
.map(v => this.getNode(v.add(
.filter(v => v);

drains(node) {
if (!node.drains.length) {
console.error("no drains found", node);
return null;
return => this.getNode(id));

all() {
return this.nodes.values();

nearest(pos) {
let vy = pos.y / this.ns / TRIHEIGHT;
let vx = pos.x / this.ns - vy / 2;
let xf = Math.floor(vx);
let yf = Math.floor(vy);
let xc = Math.ceil(vx);
let yc = Math.ceil(vy);
let candidates = [vec2(xf, yc), vec2(xc, yf)];
// if (vx + vy >1) {
candidates.push(vec2(xc, yc));
// } else {
candidates.push(vec2(xf, yf));
// }
let bestDist = Infinity;
let best = null;
for (let candidate of candidates) {
let node = this.getNode(candidate);
if (!node) {
let distance = node.pos.sub(pos).length()
if (distance < bestDist) {
bestDist = distance
best = node;
return best;

class World {

constructor(graph) {
this.graph = graph;
this.sediment = {created: 0, deposited: 0, lost: 0};

heighten(seed, amplitude, featureSize, base, warpSize, warpEffect) {
let noise = new Simplex(seed, 8, 1/featureSize);
let xwarp = new Simplex(seed ^ 123, 4, 1/warpSize);
let ywarp = new Simplex(seed ^ 321, 4, 1/warpSize);
for (let node of this.graph.all()) {
node.changeGround(base + amplitude * noise.noise(node.pos.add(vec2(xwarp.noise(node.pos), ywarp.noise(node.pos)).mult(warpEffect))));

cutEdge(baseHeight, distance, additive, parabolic) {
if (distance <= 0) {
for (let node of this.graph.all()) {
let dx = Math.min(node.pos.x, this.graph.size.x - node.pos.x, distance)/distance;
let dy = Math.min(node.pos.y, this.graph.size.y - node.pos.y, distance)/distance;
let d = dx * dy;
if (parabolic) {
let d_ = 1-d;
d = 1 - d_ * d_;
node.baseHeight = node.baseHeight*(additive ? 1 : d) + baseHeight * (1-d);

land(plainsSlope, lakeAmount, lakeSize, lakeDepth, baseErosion, momentumErosion) {
let noise = new FastNoiseLite(hash(this.graph.seed^23790));
let fringe = new PriorityFringe(node => node.height());
let visited = new Set();
let processed = new Set();
let sorted = [];
for (let node of this.graph.sinks()) {
node.waterHeight = Math.max(0, -node.baseHeight);
while (!fringe.isEmpty()) {
let node = fringe.take();
for (let neighbour of node.neighbours) {
if (!visited.has( {
let dh = neighbour.baseHeight - node.baseHeight;
if (dh > 0 && !neighbour.waterHeight) {
let water = node.isSink() ? 1 : node.water;
let erosion = Math.sqrt(water) * (baseErosion + momentumErosion*neighbour.momentum) / neighbour.size;
let newHeight = clamp(node.baseHeight + dh / (1+erosion), node.baseHeight, neighbour.baseHeight);
let eroded = neighbour.baseHeight - newHeight;
this.sediment.created += eroded;
neighbour.sediment += eroded;
neighbour.waterHeight = 0;
neighbour.sea = false;
neighbour.drains = [];
if (neighbour.height() < node.height()) {
if (node.isSea()) {
neighbour.waterHeight = node.height() - neighbour.baseHeight + 1e-7 * (2+randf(, this.graph.seed ^ 4890));
neighbour.sea = true;
} else {
let l = clamp(noise.GetNoise(neighbour.pos.x, neighbour.pos.y) + lakeAmount * 2 - 1, -1, 1);
if (l > 0) {
neighbour.waterHeight = l * (node.height() - neighbour.height()) * lakeDepth;
let totalHeight = node.height() + 1e-6 * randf(, this.graph.seed ^ 8429);
neighbour.baseHeight = totalHeight - neighbour.waterHeight;
} else {
neighbour.baseHeight = node.height() + randf(, this.graph.seed ^ 3627) * plainsSlope / (node.height() - neighbour.height() + 1);
if (!processed.has( && !neighbour.isSink()) {
return sorted;

drain(nodes, rainfall, cohesion, slowing) {
for (let node of nodes) {
node.water = 0
node.outflow = [];
node.momentum = 0;
for (let i=nodes.length; i--;) {
let node = nodes[i];
if (node.isSink()) {
node.water += rainfall * node.size * node.size;
let drains = this.graph.drains(node);
let total = 0;
let nh = node.height();
let outflow = [];
for (let drain of drains) {
let dh = nh - drain.height();
node.momentum += dh;
let o = node.isWaterBody() ? 1 : dh**cohesion;
outflow.push([drain, o]);
total += o;
node.momentum *= slowing;
node.outflow =[d, o]) => [d, o/total]);
for (let [drain, o] of node.outflow) {
drain.water += node.water * o;
drain.momentum += node.momentum * o;


depose(nodes, amount, depthFactor) {
if (amount <= 0) {
for (let i=nodes.length; i--;) {
let node = nodes[i];
if (node.isSink()) {
this.sediment.lost += node.sediment;
node.sediment = 0;
let drains = this.graph.drains(node);
let deposited = clamp((amount +node.waterHeight * depthFactor) * node.sediment / (node.water+amount) / (node.momentum+1), 0, node.sediment);
node.sediment -= deposited;
this.sediment.deposited += deposited;
for (let [drain, o] of node.outflow) {
drain.sediment += node.sediment * o;
node.sediment = 0;

async function generate(settings, view) {
console.log(" start generating", settings);
let startTime =;
let size = settings.size;
let graph = await view.time("initialize graph", () => new NodeGraph(settings.seed, vec2(size, size), settings.nodeSize || 8, settings.nodeRandomness));
let world = new World(graph);
await view.time("heighten", () => world.heighten(settings.seed^61882, settings.amplitude, settings.featureSize, settings.baseHeight, settings.warpSize, settings.warpEffect));
await view.time("cut edge", () => world.cutEdge(settings.edgeHeight, size * 0.005 * settings.edgePercentage, settings.edgeMode == "add", settings.edgeShape == "parabole"));
let sorted = await view.time("flow", () =>, settings.lakeAmount, settings.lakeSize, settings.lakeDepth, 0, 0));
await view.time("drain", () => world.drain(sorted, settings.rainfall, settings.cohesion, Math.pow(settings.slowing, settings.nodeSize)));
if (settings.drawPartial) {
await view.time("draw partial", () => view.drawPartialGraph(graph, settings));
} else {
let erosionScale = 1;
if (settings.compensateErosion) {
erosionScale = scaleExp(settings.iterations, settings.erosionStep);
let detailFactor = 1;
for (let i=0; i<settings.iterations; ++i) {
await view.time("depose", () => world.depose(sorted, settings.deposition, settings.depositionDepthFactor));
await view.time("detail", () => world.heighten(settings.seed^(9009*i), settings.detailAmplitude*detailFactor, settings.detailSize*detailFactor, 0, 1, 0));
detailFactor *= settings.detailStep;
let erosionWeight = Math.pow(settings.erosionStep, i) * erosionScale;
sorted = await view.time("flow", () =>, settings.lakeAmount, settings.lakeSize, 1, settings.baseErosion * erosionWeight, settings.momentumErosion * erosionWeight));
await view.time("drain", () => world.drain(sorted, settings.rainfall, settings.cohesion, Math.pow(settings.slowing, settings.nodeSize)));
await view.time("draw", () => view.drawWorldGraph(graph, settings));
console.log(`sediment created: ${world.sediment.created / 1e6}, sediment deposited: ${world.sediment.deposited/1e6}, sediment lost: ${world.sediment.lost/1e6}, balance: ${(world.sediment.created - world.sediment.deposited - world.sediment.lost)/1e6}`);
let endTime =;
console.log(" generate done", (endTime - startTime) / 1000);
view.status(`generate done ${(endTime - startTime) / 1000}s`);

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<script src="noise.js"></script>
<script src="display.js"></script>
<script src="colors.js"></script>
<script src="elaborate.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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