HTML5-based open source scientific models, visualizations, graphing, and probeware from the Concord Consortium.
Production site: :
Technical Readme: :
Development site: :
Source code repository: :
Note: many of the links in this readme only work properly when this document is served from a web-server and do not resolve properly at A live version of the readme is always available here:
Table of Contents
- toc {:toc}
Lab is Copyright 2012 (c) by the Concord Consortium and is distributed under any of the following licenses:
- Simplified BSD,
- MIT, or
- Apache 2.0.
The complete licensing details can be read here.
If you have have received a distribution archive of the
Concord Consortium Lab project
our copyright applies to all resources except the files in the
directory. The files in the vendor/
directory are from
third-parties and are distributed under either BSD, MIT, or Apache 2.0 licenses.
- A Simple Gas, (embeddable link)
- Oil and Water, (embeddable link)
- Boiling Point and Solubility, (embeddable link)
- Vernier GoIO Sensor Grapher (only works on web-server)
Compressed archives of the generated Lab distribution are available for download:
Download and expand one of these archives to create a folder named concord-consortium-lab-xxxxxxx
The seven characters at the end of the archive filename are the first seven characters of the git
commit SHA.
Open the file index.html in this folder in your browser to get an offline version of the Lab project.
Features that require integration of the back-end web application such as saving changes in models and interactives and use of Java applets do not work directly from a downloaded distribution.
NOTE: the downloaded distribution of examples may not work properly in Chrome due to a long-standing bug in Chrome: Issue 49001: Regression: cssRules null when stylesheets loaded from local disk. The problem only occurs when loading the web pages directly from your filesystem. If instead you use a local web server on your computer to serve the downloaded distribution Chrome works properly.
Lab uses a number of RubyGems and node modules to manage development. Lab's test framework uses Vows, which depends on nodejs and npm (Node Package Manager). In addition JavaScript minification is done using UglifyJS. JavaScript dependency management is handled by RequireJS.
We use RVM to mange our development dependency on Ruby 1.9.3 and the specific Ruby Gems needed for building Lab and running the Lab server.
After installation you should see something like the following:
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
Once you have a working version of Ruby 1.9.3 check to see if the RubyGem bundler is already installed:
$ gem list bundler
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
bundler (1.1.3)
If Bundler is not installed install it now:
$ gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.1.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.1.3
1 gem installed
nodejs and npm, the Node Package Manager are additional development dependencies.
npm, the Node Package Manager has been included as part of nodejs since version 0.8.7.
Install the latest stable version of node (currently v0.6.18) with installers available here:
Currently development is being done with these versions of node and npm:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Install the nosql document-oriented CouchDB database server to support persistence for the Lab server.
Installation options:
Most of the developers on Lab use Homebrew a package manager for Mac OS X.
Install CouchDB using homebrew
brew doctor # fix issues if needed brew update # if you haven't run it in the last 24 hours brew install couchdb
Java is needed for compiling the invisible sensor applet as well as the legacy Java applications we are porting to HTML5.
Test to see if Java is installed and available:
$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_33"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_33-b03-424-11M3720)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.8-b03-424, mixed mode)
On Mac OS X 10.7 and later Java is not automatically installed. However running the command
java -version
when Java is not installed will bring up an operating system dialog enabling
Java to be installed.
Note: Currently in order to compile OTrunk a very old version of the maven jarjar plugin is
needed (v0.4). Only newer versions of the jarjar plugin are available in the public Maven artifact
repositories. Until OTrunk is updated you will need to include the Concord nexus Maven mirror
(which has v0.4 of the maven jarjar plugin) in ~/.m2/settings.xml
A minimal working ~/.m2/settings.xml
will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
###Linux (Ubuntu)
Before any of this make sure that "run command as login shell" is checked. if it isn't go to edit-profile preferences-Title and Command, and check Run command as a login shell.
To Install RVM you need to have curl:
$ sudo apt-get install curl </code></pre>
Install RVM using curl with:
$ curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
After RVM has finnished installing it will ask you to run a command similar to
$ source /home/user_name/.rvm/scripts/rvm
After installation you should see something like the following:
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
RVM has some additional dependancies, to view these type:
$ rvm requirements
Under additional dependancies and ruby, copy the list of dependancies and paste them in to your terminal
and install them using sudo
. The command will look something like this:
sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion</code></pre>
Becouse of some unknown bugs RVM doesn't recognise readline without being explictly pointed to it. To do this I've had to reinstall ruby 1.9.3-p194.
$ rvm reinstall 1.9.3-p194 --with-zlib1g-dev
ruby gem bundler should be installed. To check if it has been try:
$ gem list bundler
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
bundler (1.1.4)
If it doesn't return anything install Bundler:
$ gem install bundler
nodejs and npm, the Node Package Manager are additional development dependencies.
npm, the Node Package Manager has been included as part of nodejs since version 0.6.3.
The nosql document-oriented CouchDB database server is installed to support persistence for the Lab server.
To install the latest stable versions of node and couchdb you first need to add these PPA repositories:
For these to work as intended python software properties must also be installed.
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:longsleep/couchdb
$ sudo apt-get update
Now install node and couchdb:
$ sudo apt-get install couchdb nodejs npm
Currently development is being done with these versions of node and npm:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Neither the Java run time environment nor the Java development kit are installed by default, both of which are used for the java projects.
sudo apt-get install default-jre openjdk-6-jdk
The Ruby Gem Nokogiri requires libxslt and libxml2, install them with:
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
Final note, before you make everything
setup the project configurations files by copying the
configuration samples:
cp config/config_sample.yml config/config.yml
cp server/config/couchdb.sample.yml server/config/couchdb.yml
If you have commit access to the repository use this form:
git clone
Alternatively if you don't have commit access use this form:
git clone git://
Make sure you have already installed the prerequistes: Ruby 1.9, the RubyGem bundler, and nodejs (which now includes npm the Node Package Manager.
Open a shell and change to the lab/
directory. The first time you cd
into the lab/
directory RVM will
ask you if this new .rvmrc
file should be trusted.
The .rvmrc
specifies that this project dependeds on Ruby 1.9.3-p194 and all the required Ruby Gems
will be installed in the RVM gemset named ruby-1.9.3-p194@lab
cd lab
make everything
When make everything
is run on a freshly cloned repository it performs the following tasks:
Install the runtime dependencies as git submodules into the
directory:git submodule update --init --recursive
Install the development dependencies that use nodejs and are managed by npm:
npm install
You can see the list of dependencies to be installed in the file
. In additionvendor/d3
are manually installed intonode_modules/
. -
Install the additional RubyGems used for development: haml, sass, guard ...
bundle install --binstubs
This creates the
directory and populates it with command-line executables for running the specific versions of the RubyGems installed for development. -
Generates the
directory: -
Generates the Java resources in the
You should now be able to open the file: server/public/index.html
in a browser and run some of the examples.
Start watching the src/
and test/
directories with Guard and when files are
changed automatically generate the JavaScript Lab modules, the examples, and run the tests.
Now any change you make in src/examples/
will generate the corresponding content in server/public/examples/
In addition changes in src/lab/
generate the associated Lab modules in lab/
and copy these modules
to server/public/lab/
. In addition any change in either the src/lab/
or test/
directories will run the
tests and display the results in the console window where bin/guard
is running.
The Lab server is a very simple Rails 3.2 application that uses CouchDB for persistence.
Open a shell and change to the lab/server
directory. The first time you cd
into the lab/server
directory RVM will
ask you if this new .rvmrc
file should be trusted.
The .rvmrc
specifies that this project dependeds on Ruby 1.9.3-p194-server and all the required Ruby Gems
will be installed in the RVM gemset named ruby-1.9.3-p194@lab-server
cd lab/server
bundle install
Create a couchdb configuration by copying the sample:
cp config/couchdb.sample.yml config/couchdb.yml
If you have setup your local CouchDB server to require admin login for creating new databases you will need to enter user and password for a valid admin user.
cd lab/server
thin start
You can now open your local Lab application at this url:
You can use a pre-configured route to open the local CouchDb admin web interface:
cd lab/server
rails console
The Lab repository can build the legacy Java applications Molecular Workbench and Energy2D we are converting to HTML5.
Building these Java applications allows developers to more easily compare the operation of the HTML5 versions of these applications to the Java versions running in he browser as applets.
In addition we can create the Java resources to run the invisible Java applet needed for communicating with Vernier GoIO probware in the browser however the Java resources for communicating with the Vernier GoIO Probeware need to be digitally signed.
After building the Java resources the Java applications Molecular Workbench and Energy2D can be run as applications from the command line:
Molecular Workbench
A self-signed Java certificate is included with the Lab repository: config/lab-sample-keystore,jks
with a password and private key password of abc123 however for production use you will want to use
a keystore with a publically-recognized Java code-siging certificate from a company like
To build the Jar resources for the probeware using either the self-signed certificate provided
with the Lab repository or one of your own first create the file config/config.yml
copying config/config.sample.yml
and editing appropriately.
cp config/config.sample.yml config/config.yml
The :java:
section of the config.yml
yaml file looks like this:
# password and alias for Java siging certificate.
:password: abc123
:alias: lab-sample-keystore
:keystore_path: config/lab-sample-keystore.jks
If you have a keystore already accessible via an alias replace lab-sample-keystore
the alias for your existing keystore. If your keystore is stored in your home directory in the
file .keystore
then you do should leave the :keystore_path
The self-signed lab-sample-keystore,jks
keystore was generated with the Java keytool command as follows:
$ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore config/lab-sample-keystore,jks -alias lab-sample-keystore -storepass abc123 -validity 360 -keysize 2048
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: Stephen Bannasch
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: Lab Project
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: Concord Consortium
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Concord
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: Massachusetts
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is CN=Stephen Bannasch, OU=Lab Project, O=Concord Consortium, L=Concord, ST=Massachusetts, C=US correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <lab-sample-keystore>
(RETURN if same as keystore password):
$ keytool -selfcert -alias lab-sample-keystore -keystore config/lab-sample-keystore.jks
Enter keystore password:
Note: Currently in order to compile OTrunk you need to include the Concord nexus Maven mirror in ~/.m2/settings.xml
. See Customize Maven mirror
Run make jnlp-all
to erase, build, package, sign and deploy all the Java resurces.
The first time this task is run it:
- Creates a
top-level directory and checks out the required Java projects into this directory. - Builds each of the projects
- Copies the jar resources into the
directory packing and signing them as needed.
Later if you have made updates in the Java source code or need to re-build and deploy for any reason you can run:
script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb --maven-update
If one of the maven projects fails to build because a dependency could not be found try running
the command again with the --maven-update
script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb --maven-update
Details about each Java project, where the repository is located, what branch is compiled, the specific
compilation details are all contained in this Ruby file:
There is a configuration file expressed in Ruby code here which defines build specifications
for each Java project:
The specification indicates whether the Java Jar resource will be directly downloaded or whether the source code will be checked-out and compiled to create the Jar.
The :build_type
option is used to specify the Java Projects Build Strategy.
Five different kinds of build strategies are available. Each strategy includes
additional build information in the :build
The :maven
, :custom
, and :ant
build strategies all expect to be able to get the source
code to build projects from git repositories.
Most of Concord Consportium's open source Java codebase is published at our public Subversion repository: however all of the legacy Java code the Lab project references is also mirrored to separate git repositories at:
The trunk
branches in the git mirrors we maintain such as:
concord-consortium/otrunk always represent
the latest code checked into the Subversion trunk
We have made small changes to the Molecular Workbench codebase and we are maintaining these in
the master
branch of the git mirror here: concord-consortium/mw.
Concord's OTrunk framework uses the
build strategy:'otrunk' => { :repository => 'git://', :branch => 'trunk', :path => 'org/concord/otrunk', :build_type => :maven, :build => MAVEN_STD_CLEAN_BUILD, :has_applet_class => true, :sign => true },
branch of the otrunk repo will be checked out into./java/otrunk
and be built using Maven. Because the otrunk jar is used with the sensor-applet code (which uses a native library) it must also be signed.Deploying both signed and unsigned jars
Concord's Molecular Workbench also uses the
build strategy however when running it as a Java Web Start jnlp it needs to be signed while normally when run as an applet it should be unsigned.'mw' => { :build_type => :maven, :build => MAVEN_STD_CLEAN_BUILD, :repository => 'git://', :branch => 'master', :path => 'org/concord/modeler', :main_class => "org.concord.modeler.ModelerLauncher", :has_applet_class => true, :sign => true, :also_unsigned => true }
By setting both the
options totrue
two jars will be deployed:jnlp/org/concord/modeler/mw.jar
For Energy2D a
build strategy is used and the command line invocation necessary is in theMANUAL_JAR_BUILD
constant.'energy2d' => { :repository => 'git://', :branch => 'trunk', :path => 'org/concord/energy2d', :build_type => :custom, :version => '0.1.0', :build => MANUAL_JAR_BUILD, :has_applet_class => true, :sign => false }
In this case
has been defined as:MANUAL_JAR_BUILD = "rm -rf bin; mkdir bin; find src -name *.java | xargs javac -target 5 -sourcepath src -d bin"
JDom uses the
build strategy:'jdom' => { :build_type => :download, :url => '', :path => 'jdom/jdom', :version => '1.0', :sign => true }
The script that runs the checkout-build-pack-sign-deploy can either operate on ALL projects specified or on a smaller number.
Running script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb
with no arguments operates on all projects listed in config/java-projects.rb.
Optionally you can specify one or more projects to operate on. This builds just sensor and sensor-applets:
script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb sensor sensor-applets
The Jar resources deployed to the server/public/jnlp
directory include a timestamp in the deployed artifact so unless you specifically
request an earlier version you will always get the latest version deployed.
The Rails server has a Rack application JnlpApp
mounted at the route /jnlp
for servicing requests for Java jar resources.
The JnlpApp
Rack application uses the Rack::Jnlp
middleware defined here server/lib/rack/jnlp.rb
Normally versions for jars can only be specified by using a jnlp form. A jnlp form of specification can be used for webstart and also for applets.
The older form of applet invocation that uses the html element normally can't specify version numbers for jar dependencies, however the Jnlp::Rack application included with Lab does allow version specification.
Example: right now on my local system there are two different versions of the vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar.jar:
$ ls -l server/public/jnlp/org/concord/sensor/vernier/vernier-goio/vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar*
98396 May 28 01:55 ../org/concord/sensor/vernier/vernier-goio/vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar__V1.5.0-20101012.203835-2.jar
99103 May 28 16:40 ../org/concord/sensor/vernier/vernier-goio/vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar__V1.5.0-20120528.164030-3.jar
Note the different lengths for the two different versions.
If a request comes in from Java for vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar.jar the most recent version is returned:
$ curl --user-agent java -I http://localhost:3000/jnlp/org/concord/sensor/vernier/vernier-goio/vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar.jar
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Mon, 28 May 2012 20:40:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/java-archive
Content-Length: 99103
However the version number can be added as a http query parameter.
$ curl --user-agent java -I http://localhost:3000/jnlp/org/concord/sensor/vernier/vernier-goio/vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar.jar?version-id=1.5.0-20101012.203835-2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Mon, 28 May 2012 05:55:05 GMT
Content-Type: application/java-archive
Content-Length: 98396
x-java-jnlp-version-id: 1.5.0-20101012.203835-2
Note that in the response the x-java-jnlp-version-id HTTP header is added with teh actual version.
This feature of specifying versioned jar resources should NOT be used for production because Java won't properly cache the jar locally. Eveytime a request is made for a jar with a version-id query parameter the complete jar will be downloaded again.
When a version is specified in a jnlp form for an applet the jar WILL be cached properly.
Development Note: If the applets no longer operate properly it may be that the server is no longer operating properly and needs to be restarted. The Java console log for the applet may show requests made for jars that are not fulfilled.
If a request like the following produces an error:
$ curl --user-agent java -I http://localhost:3000/jnlp/org/concord/sensor-native/sensor-native.jar
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Restart the server and the request should now suceed:
$ curl --user-agent java -I http://localhost:3000/jnlp/org/concord/sensor-native/sensor-native.jar
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:44:28 GMT
Content-Type: application/java-archive
Content-Length: 34632
content-encoding: pack200-gzip
Configuration variables used by the runtime JavaScript code are available in the JavaScript global
object Lab.config
In a full build environment the JavaScript configuration is set in the :jsconfg
section of
:sharing: true
:homeInteractivePath: /examples/interactives/interactive.html
:homeEmbeddablePath: /examples/interactives/embeddable.html
:utmCampaign: <external-campaign-key>
A boolean attribute used to determine if the Share link in the Interactives will be enabled.
The default value for this is true
Url used to reference cannonical site when sharing is turned off.
Path to page to run non-embeddable version of Interactives.
Path to page to run embeddable version of Interactives.
If present a UTM suffix is added to links in the About box.
Set to a string which identifies the external organization.
When the build environment is active these values are used to generate JavaScript code integrated
into the project by the Ruby program:
Normally the Share link in an Interactive is enabled. The Share dialog allows a user to more easily share the Interactive in an email or IM, and also provides generated HTML content that can be copied and pasted to embed the Interactive into a blog or web page.
If you are hosting this content on an external server where supporting
sharing is impractical in some manner you can disable the display of the Interactive Share link by setting
in config/config.yml
to false
:sharing: false
:homeInteractivePath: /examples/interactives/interactive.html
:homeEmbeddablePath: /examples/interactives/embeddable.html
:utmCampaign: <external-campaign-key>
The additional values for :home
, homeInteractivePath
, and homeEmbeddablePath
are used to construct an
additional paragraph in the Interactive About box providing a link to the Interactive on the production
site for the project.
The value for utmCampaign
is optional. If present and the home site has enabled Google Analytics
setting a value for utmCampaign
will allow better tracking of users who click through links in the
Interactive About box.
In addition there is a optional section in config/config.yml
which if present enables embedding google
analytics script into the head of the main index.html
and all html pages in the examples/
and doc/
directories. This includes all the Interactives which are located in examples/interactives
Include your Google Analytics account number here to enable insertion of the Google Analytics script by the build system into the generated HTML pages.
:account_id: <account-id>
The content from which the embedded Google Analytics script is generated is contained in this Ruby file:
If you have downloaded a distribution archive you can manually modify the code that initializes the JavaScript
runtime configuration in the files: lab/lab.js
and lab/lab.min.js
. Editing the value for Lab.config.sharing
in these files will affect the JavaScript runtime settings when these files are loaded.
Additionally you can turn on UTM suffixes by adding a string value to `Lab.config.utmCampaign``.
However generation and insertion of the Google Analytics script into HTML pages can only be done by
setting a value for the :google_analytics :account_id
and running the build process.
If you think you'd like to contribute to Lab as an external developer:
Create a local clone from the repository located here: This will by default have the git-remote name: origin.
Make a fork of to your account on github.
Make a new git-remote referencing your fork. I recommend making the remote name your github user name. For example my username is
so I would add a remote to my fork like this:git remote add stepheneb
Create your changes on a topic branch. Please include tests if you can. When your commits are ready push your topic branch to your fork and send a pull request.
travis-ci is a free open-source web-based distributed continuous integration system.
When code is checked in to the master branch the concord-consortium/lab project on travis-ci automatically runs all the unit tests.
If any test fails the author of the commit will get an email as well the developers listed in the .travis.yml configuration file.
I created an account on travis-ci linked to the stepheneb acocunt on github by having travis-ci authenticate me with github using oauth.
I was then able to manually setup a Travis service hook for the lab repository. I needed to do this manually because I was integrating a repository under the concord-consortium github organization instead of one directly under my own account.
Useful travis-ci resources
- The Travis Architecture
- How to setup and trigger the hook manually
- Build configuration
- Ruby projects
- Nodejs projects
- GUI and Headless Browser testing
The Complex Atoms Model includes several features for estimating and measuring performance of the molecular modeler.
End of Stats section displays average number of model steps/s.
Run Benchmarks button stops model and measures time for running the model 100 steps and also time for running the model and rendering the graphics for 100 steps. When measuring the speed of the model and graphics together the test is run continuously and control is not returned to the browser for repainting the screen.
A separate lab.performance repository with a Ruby script performance.rb available which uses Selenium Webdriver to automate running the Run Benchmarks test 10 times and collects , averages, and reports the results.
We use a completely separate repository for the performance monitoring tools so the same performance mesuring scripts can be used to measure performance over a range of commits to the Lab project. This makes it easier to monitor performance and investigate performance regressions.
In your working copy of the Lab project:
git checkout git://
Edit paths in the file lab.performance/performance.rb
to reference locations for FireFox and Chrome
on your computer as well as the variable URL_TO_COMPLEX_MODEL
for running the
Complex Atoms Model
Gem prequisites: selenium-webdriver
gem install selenium-webdriver
Measuring performance:
$ ./lab.performance/performance.rb
browser: Chrome: 19.0.1085.0, Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8
Date: 2012-03-30 08:44
Molecule number: 50
Temperature: 5
git commit
commit 2c3a9328a43964485ed5f661cfb6e6cc6850ce95
Author: Stephen Bannasch <>
Date: Fri Mar 30 08:44:05 2012 -0400
whitespace fixups
average steps 167.30
average steps w/graphics 101.63
The src/lab
directory includes JavaScript source code for the Lab JavaScript modules.
During the build process individual files are copied into modules which are placed in
the server/public/lab
The src/examples/
, src/doc/
, and src/experiments/
directories contain additional
resources for generating the html, css, and image resources for the matching target
folders in server/public
Note: remember to make changes you want saved in the src/examples/
, src/doc/
and src/experiments/
and not in the target directories of the same names in
. Change made in server/public
will be overwritten during the next
build process.
Third-party JavaScript runtime dependencies
for Lab are located in the src/vendor
directory and are installed as git submodules
the first time make
is run in a new checkout of the source code repository.
Only the necessary JavaScript library files and other resources needed for runtime operation along
with the associated README and LICENSE files are copied to server/public/vendor
the build process.
All of the files copied to server/public/vendor
are licensed and distributed under
one or more of the following licenses: Simplified BSD,
The BSD 3-Clause,
MIT, or
Apache 2.0.
The src/resources
directory contains image resources and are copied directly to
The src/sass
directory contains Sass templates and the Bourbon Sass library are are used
during the build process to generate CSS resources.
The src/mw-helpers
directory contains JavaScript modules only used as part of the testing and
build process and are not copied to server/public/resources
The src/jnlp
directory currently contains the Vernier GoIO Java sensor Jars. While these
files are needed to use Vernier GoIO sensor in the browser normally there are no compiled
artifacts included in either the Lab repository or referenced and used by the Lab either
as external git submodules or as separately downloaded Java projects. The presence of these
specific files is temporary until I can recreate or redevelop the specifc combination of Java,
Vernier GoIO native libraries and JNI code generated by SWIG used 18 months ago to create
these resources at Concord Consortium.
The source code for the Lab modules is all contained in
The list above presents independent modules built as separate sub-libraries (md2d
, energy2d
, grapher
and one directory which contains common utilities and modules (common
2D Molecular Dynamics: md2d
module contains a basic Next Gen Molecular Workbench application. It built over MVC design
pattern and consist of following units:
- Models -
- Views -
- Controllers -
The source code of the core molecular dynamics engine is currently located in the
consortium/lab/tree/master/src/lab/md2d/models/engine) directory, which is organized as a set of
related RequireJS modules. These modules are compatible both with the Web browser environment and
Node. When used in Node, amdefine package must be available
(it is listed as an dependency in the Lab [packages.json
consortium/lab/blob/master/package.json) file). The entry point for external Node.js applications is
the file [src/lab/md2d/models/engine/md2d.js
In addition, Node-based executables can be written and placed in
consortium/lab/tree/master/src/lab/md2d/models/engine) or a subdirectory. These are expected to be
useful for verifying and tuning the model by running the model headless and saving summary results
into a file for offline analysis; see, e.g.,
Hashbang scripts for starting these executables (i.e., files which start with the line
#!/usr/bin/env node
and which have the execute bit set) should be placed in the directory
, and should execute by
ing the appropriate module and calling its entry point method. Lab's
specifies node-bin
as the
location of the executable scripts which npm
should make available whenever Lab is imported into
another project as a Node module. (For developer convenience, bin/
is being reserved for Ruby
executables made available via Bundler.)
2D Thermal Energy: energy2d
module contains
a basic Energy2D application. It is a direct port of Java Energy2D.
Energy2D is also built over MVC design pattern and consist of following units:
- Models -
- Views -
- Controllers -
and additionally:
- Internal Utils -
- GPU Toolkit -
GPU Toolkit is a small set of utilities which wraps basic WebGL structures and objects, providing higher level API. It is useful, as Energy2D uses WebGL for General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Unit. So, a lot of physics calculations are performed on the GPU if user's Web browser supports WebGL technology.
The source code of the core physics engine is located in the src/lab/energy2d/models
Especially important units are listed below:
- Core Model
- constructs all physics solvers, stores simulation data (arrays, textures) and delegates physics calculations to proper objects. - Physics Solvers
- directory containing sequential (plain JavaScritp) implementation of physics algorithms used by core model. - Physics Solvers GPU
- directory containing parallel implementation (WebGL-based) of heat and fluid solvers.
Necessary GLSL (GL Shading Language) sources are stored in separate files. They are loaded using RequireJS text plug-in which just allows to load plain text files. Finally, they are inlined in the resulting library due to the RequireJS optimization process.
Lab's modules use RequireJS for dependency management. It is a JavaScript file and module loader optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. So, you don't have to worry about manual JavaScript files concatenation and the library build process - everything is done automatically.
RequireJS might be used for fully asynchronous in-browser module loading, but it can also be used for combining all source files into one output JavaScript file. The Lab project mostly uses the second approach. The tool which resolves all dependencies and combines them into single output file is called RequireJS Optimizer.
Useful RequireJS resources:
- How to get started with RequireJS
- RequireJS API
- RequireJS Optimization
- RequireJS in Node
- RequireJS Google Group
Adding a new source to existing module is straightforward.
Put the source file in an appropriate directory (e.g.
). -
Define it as a module using RequireJS syntax, e.g. following this pattern:
define(function (require) { // Dependencies. var utils = require('other-module-name/file-name'); // Preparation code. // (...) // Finally, return module API. return { // (...) }; // Or just constructor function: // return function ClassName() { // (...) // }; });
You can read more about RequireJS modules syntax here.
In case of need, reference this file in other sources using RequireJS syntax:
var dependency = require('module-name/file-name');
That's all! Your file will be automatically included during module build process.
If you are working on file which should also work in the Node environment as a typical package (without using RequireJS as a dependency and its syntax), follow instructions above and additionally:
Add following snippet at the beginning of the source file:
if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module) }
Make sure that
package is listed as a dependency in yourpackage.json
file (it can be Lab'spackages.json
file or separate one if you work on the independent module, like those stored insrc/modules
The Lab's array module uses this technique, so you may look for a reference in
This involves a few additional steps comparing with adding a single source file.
Create a new directory in
. -
Put all related sources there or in
(if you think that they are generic enough and may be reused by other modules). -
files in your new directory (described below). -
Add build routines to the
:4.1. Define a new target, for example:
server/public/lab/lab.module-name.js: \ $(NEW_MODULE_SRC_FILES) \ $(COMMON_SRC_FILES) $(R_OPTIMIZER) -o src/lab/module-name/
4.2. List this target in
Makefile variable containing the list of all Lab JavaScript modules to be generated.
Your module will be built during Lab's build process. You may use one of the existing modules for
reference in case of any troubles
Each Lab's module contains file
. It is a RequireJS Optimizer build profile. Useful,
related resources:
If you create new build file, make sure that you use one of the existing build profiles as a reference! It will enforce consistent style and options across all Lab's modules.
Lab's build profiles use almond module - a replacement AMD loader for RequireJS. It is a smaller "shim" loader, providing the minimal AMD API footprint that includes loader plugin support.
Why? almond allows us to create the resulting library which is totally independent from RequireJS. It is a reasonable approach as RequireJS is used only for module definition, dependency resolving and building a single file library using Optimizer. The asynchronous module loading is not utilized by the final Lab library, so there is no need to force users to load whole RequireJS library. Instead, use and include minimalistic RequireJS API replacement.
If module exposes API using global variables, it should define it in public-api.js
file. It is
a typical RequireJS module, which just adds properties to window
object. You can look at
or src/grapher/public-api.js
file for a reference.
This files are not necessary, but highly recommended if module has to define some global variables. It is a convention used internally by Lab repository. Such files are enforcing clean definition of public API exposed by modules. Developers will have certainty that all global variables are defined there and only there.
Execution of this script should be enforced by build profile (*.build.js files described above).
Most often is done by wrap
// Protect global namespace and call Public API export.
wrap: {
start: "(function() {",
// Almond by default simulates async call of require (sets timeout).
// Last argument (true) forces sync call instead.
end: "require(['module-name/public-api'], undefined, undefined, true); }());"
The Lab project is configured to easily support CoffeeScript sources. RequireJS plugin called require-cs is used for dynamic loading of CoffeeScript sources.
To enable CoffeeScript support, make sure that module's build profile (see section about *.build.js files) contains following options:
// Additional modules.
paths: {
'cs' :'../vendor/require-cs/cs',
'coffee-script': '../vendor/coffee-script/extras/coffee-script'
//Stub out the cs module after a build since
//it will not be needed.
stubModules: ['cs'],
// The optimization will load CoffeeScript to convert
// the CoffeeScript files to plain JS. Use the exclude
// directive so that the coffee-script module is not included
// in the built file.
exclude: ['coffee-script']
module has CoffeeScript support enabled, so you can use
its build profile
as a reference.
To define a CoffeeScript module just use typical RequireJS syntax converted to CoffeeScript:
define (require) -> # Dependencies. CoffeeScriptDependency = require 'cs!other-module-name/file-name' JavaScriptDependency = require 'module-name/file-name' class SomeClass extends BaseClass // (...)
You can also load CoffeeScript in JavaScript files:
define(function (require) { // Dependencies. var CoffeeScriptDependency = require('cs!module-name/file-name'); // (...)
Just remember about cs! prefix in paths when loading CoffeeScript sources. RequireJS Optimizer will convert such files to plain JavaScript and include them in the final library.
The server/public/examples/
directory is automatically generated running make
and is not part of the repository.
When bin/guard
is running any changes to files in the src/examples/
directory cause automatic rebuilding
of the associated files in the server/public/examples/
Haml is used to generate most of the HTML in the server/public/
kramdown is used to generate readme.html
in server/public/
from Mardown markup.
Sass is used to generate the CSS assets. The Sass markup may be in the form of
or *.scss
The Bourbon library of Sass mixins is included.
Lab's JavaScript tests use Vows, an asynchronous behavior driven framework based on Node.js. In addition Lab uses jsdom, a lightweight CommonJS implementation of the W3C DOM specifications. Lab's test setup was inspired by that used by d3.js. The development dependencies for running the tests are installed using npm.
Running the tests:
$ make test
................................. . . .. . . .
x OK > 40 honored (0.012s)
If you are running bin/guard
the tests run automatically anytime a change is made in the JavaScript
files in the src/
or test/
The results of the tests are displayed in the console that bin/guard
is running in.
If the bottom of the console window is viewable you will see new test results whenever you save a changes.
Recent versions of nodejs/v8 support TypedArrays -- this make it possible to more extensively test lab.arrays which is designed to support using either typed or regular arrays for computation.
uses the node module jsdom to setup resources for
simple emulation of a browser.
Vows integrates the standard nodejs assertions with an additional collection of useful assertions summarized below:
assert.greater (3, 2); assert.lesser (2, 3); assert.inDelta (Math.random(), 0, 1);
assert.equal (4, 4); assert.strictEqual (4 > 2, true); assert.notEqual (4, 2); assert.strictNotEqual (1, true); assert.deepEqual ([4, 2], [4, 2]); assert.notDeepEqual ([4, 2], [2, 4]);
assert.isFunction (function () {}); assert.isObject ({goo:true}); assert.isString ('goo'); assert.isArray ([4, 2]); assert.isNumber (42); assert.isBoolean (true); assert.typeOf (42, 'number'); assert.instanceOf ([], Array);
assert.isTrue (true); assert.isFalse (false);
null, undefined, NaN
assert.isNull (null); assert.isNotNull (undefined); assert.isUndefined ('goo'[9]); assert.isNaN (0/0);
assert.include ([4, 2, 0], 2); assert.include ({goo:true}, 'goo'); assert.include ('goo', 'o');
regexp matching
assert.match ('hello', /^[a-z]+/);
assert.length ([4, 2, 0], 3); assert.length ('goo', 3); *** not working ***
assert.isEmpty ([]); assert.isEmpty ({}); assert.isEmpty ("");
assert.throws(function () { x + x }, ReferenceError); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { 1 + 1 }, Error);
Additionally test/env-assert.js
has a number of useful additional assertions copied from
Note: Using a more specific assertion usually results in more useful error reports.
There are also many interesting test examples and patterns in the d3.js test directory that can be adapted for use in Lab.
Here's a simple example that is part of the tests for lab.arrays.js
to test the arrays.max()
"find max in array with negative and positive numbers": function(max) {
assert.equal(max([3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]), 3);
The 'model stepping' tests are a good example where the tests help helped drive new features. The basic features I was testing in this section relate to the existing functionality exposed by the Stop, Start, Go, and Reset buttons as wells as the extended keyboard controls that allow stepping forward and backwards a step at a time.
First I created this test that passed:
"after running running one tick the model is at step 1": function(model) {
assert.equal(model.stepCounter(), 1);
In thinking about driving out changes to KE, PE and Temperature of the molecular model itself I realized I'd like the capability to run a specific number of steps forward and then check the results.
I then wrote this test that failed -- because the model.tick() function didn't yet take an optional argument to run multiple steps forward:
"after running 9 more ticks the model is at step 10": function(model) {
assert.equal(model.stepCounter(), 10);
After saving the change I saw the new test failure reported in my console. I then implemented the new
feature in the actual src/lab/molecules.js
. Less than a second after saving the file the tests
completed and the report showed it passing.
This is a very simple example -- but part of the value of this kind of test driven development is in first thinking of how something should behave rather than in how to get it to actually do the work.
Since I already had this function for running one model step:
Adding an optional numeric argument for running more steps is a fine way to express the intent of the new feature:
In more complicated coding thinking about how to express the intent clearly and then what the result should be if that intent is successful FIRST ... and then 'driving out' the actual implementation to achieve that result can result in a better architecture -- and of course you also end up with tests.
Because the tests run SO quickly I can interactively change the code in the module or the test and immediately see results.
Sometimes it can be helpful to break into a debugger when there is a problem in either the code or the test setup itself. Node comes with a debugger which can be used in combination with vows and the tests.
First set a breakpoint by inserting the statement: debugger;
"Thermometer": {
topic: function() {
return new components.Thermometer("#thermometer");
"creates thermometer": function(t) {
assert.equal(t.max, 0.7)
Start the node debugger and pass in the full command line to run the tests:
node debug ./node_modules/vows/bin/vows --no-color
The debugger will break at the beginning of vows:
< debugger listening on port 5858
connecting... ok
break in node_modules/vows/bin/vows:3
3 var path = require('path'),
4 fs = require('fs'),
5 util = require('util'),
Enter cont
to continue execution until your breakpoint.
debug> cont
< ·
< ········
< ·
break in test/lab/components/components-test.js:13
11 "Thermometer": {
12 topic: function() {
13 debugger;
14 return new components.Thermometer("#thermometer");
15 },
To evaluate expressions type repl
-- use ctrl-C to exit the repl:
Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl
> initialization_options
{ model_listener: false,
lennard_jones_forces: true,
coulomb_forces: true }
> atoms[0].charge
Enter ctrl-C to exit the repl and return to the debugger.
Enter ctrl-D to exit the debugger.
node-inspector npm package for node-inspector
The core of the molecular dynamics engine performs computations using dimensioned quantities; we do not nondimensionalize to reduced units. The units used internally are:
- femtoseconds
- nanometers
- Dalton (atomic mass units)
- elementary charges
- Kelvin
(Note that we will shortly switch to representing time in picoseconds rather than femtoseconds.)
The above implies that the 'natural' unit of energy within the application is the "Dalton nm^2 / fs^2", and the natural unit of force is the "Dalton nm / fs^2". We call these "MW Energy Units" and "MW Force Units" respectively; however, externally-facing methods accept and report energies in electron volts, rather than "MW Units".
The molecular dynamics engine in src/md-engine
contains a submodule, defined in src/md- engine/constants/
which defines physical useful constants and allows one to perform some unit
conversions in a mnemonic way.
Once you have require()
d the constants module appropriately, you can access the constants, 2
converter methods, and an object that defines the various units. For the following, assume the
module has been require()
d into the variable constants
The various units are available as properties of the object constants.unit
, and are named
appropriately. The units themselves are objects, but their properties are not external API; rather,
the unit objects are expected to be passed as arguments to conversion methods which return numeric
values. Units are named in the singular and are written as all-uppercase (they are constants).
Some example units are:
constants.unit.MW_ENERGY_UNIT` (Dalton nm^2 / fs^2, see above)constants.unit.METERS_PER_FARAD
The various constants are defined as properties of the constants
object. However, these do not
have numerical values; instead, they each contain a single method, as
, which accepts a unit (see
above) and returns the numerical value of that constant in terms of that unit. This is intended to
be a convenience for the programmer and to reduce the likelihood that he or she will forget to keep
track of the units in which a value is stored.
For example,
(== 1.380658e-23)
(== 8.854187e-12)
The constants
module does not attempt to do dimensional analysis (for example, converting kg m/s^2
into Newtons). However, it can convert a value between two different units that measure the same
type of quantity, and it can supply conversion ratios that make it easier to do dimensional analysis
carefully in your own code.
To convert the value 1kg into Daltons (aka atomic mass units), use the convert
constants.convert(1, { from: constants.unit.KILOGRAM, to: constants.unit.DALTON })
To find the number of atomic masses in 1 kg, use the ratio
method with the per
constants.ratio(constants.unit.DALTON, { per: constants.unit.KILOGRAM })
(== 6.022137376997844e+26)
This form of ratio is especially useful for unit conversion, and the "per" is intended as a mnemonic. The number reported above, for example, is easily understood to be "6.022 x 10^26 Dalton per kilogram" and can therefore be used as a factor that "cancels" kilograms and replaces them with Daltons in a compound unit such as "kg m/s".
However, sometimes you want the value of a Dalton expressed as kilograms. Although you could
reverse the units in the above function call, or divide 1 by the result above, it is better to use
the mnemonic as
form of ratio
constants.ratio(constants.unit.DALTON, { as: constants.unit.KILOGRAM })
(== 1.66054e-27)
Github's github:pages feature supports sharing any content in
a gh-pages
repository branch as static web content.
The gh-pages branch of the Lab repository
is used to store the static pages and client-side code built by the Makefile at the directory server/public
In addition the content of the gh-pages
branch is used to create the
downloadable archive distributions of Lab
The contents of the gh-pages branch are automatically made available in a standard web-page form (as opposed to the standard Github page for showing a repository) at this url:
when you push to the gh-pages branch.
If you maintain a fork of this project on Github, you get a Github Page for free, and the instructions below apply to you as well!
If you haven't done this yet, make the server/public
folder track the contents of the gh-pages branch.
If you have a Guard
process running make sure and stop it before continuing!
# server/public/ needs to be empty for git clone to be happy:
rm -rf server/public
# substitute the URL for whatever fork of the Lab repository you have write access to:
git clone -b gh-pages server/public
Note that make clean
now empties the server/public
folder in-place, leaving the Git
and server/public/jnlp
directories intact.
First, make sure your server/public
folder tracks the gh-pages branch, as per the above.
Then run the following shell command in the script/
This script will first make sure there is nothing that isn't committed. If
there are unstaged or staged and uncommitted files the gh-pages
script will halt.
Test and commit (or save the changes to a topic branch) and if your testing show
the bugs are fixed or the new features or examples are stable then push
these changes to the master branch and try running the gh-pages
script again:
git push origin master
The Lab project has a suite of scripts for creating and deploying to EC2 servers running on Amazon Web services (AWS).
The scripts for creating, stopping and re-creating a server require an AWS account. These scrpts use the Ruby proge
The Capistrano scripts for updating a deployment to an existing server only require that you have a copy of the pem file associated
To deploy to AWS you will need an AWS account and the ability to create and modify EC2 instances.
If you are create a new server from scratch you will also need access to the AWS DNS service Route53.
Note: currently there are a few steps/resources that only work properly if you have a AWS account.
AWS account. For deployment to the lab servers managed by CC you will need an AWS account managed by
Create your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key. To do this, go to the IAM Dashboard in AWS (Services -> IAM), click 'Users', click the checkbox by your username, and select User Actions -> Manage Access Keys
Copy your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key to the following yaml configuration file
in your home directory::default: :aws_access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID :aws_secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Place a copy of a the appropriate AWS PEM file on your local files system. For deployment to the lab servers managed by CC use the
pem. This can be found in CC's Google Docs/Drive. This file should have its permissions set to 600, and the folder it is in (e.g. ~/.ec2) should be 700. -
Create or identify an appropriate AWS security group. For deployment to the lab servers managed by CC the
security group is used. -
Edit the
section ofconfig/config.yml
using values inconfig/config_sample.yml
as a guide.Here's an example from the
section of a workingconfig.yml
::deploy: :targets: - :name: lab-dev :url: :branch: master :group_name: :zone_domain: :zone_records_name: :pem: :name: lab-dev :path: ~/.ec2
There is one deploy target named
associated with a server running
. Deployments tolab-dev
use the master branch of the repository.
security group is used when new servers are created or existing sever are re-created.When a whole new server is created the DNS entry is created in the
zone domain and when searching for an existing DNS entry for adeploy-target
the zone record
is used.Besides the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key security credentials copyied locally to to the file
file saved in the directory:~/.ec2
is also used when communicating with AWS. -
List the deploy targets described in
with the task:thor cloud:list_targets
to confirm the configuration is valid:$ thor cloud:list_targets Deploy Targets name url branch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lab-dev master
Generate specific Capistrano deploy tasks and littlechef nodes using
specified inconfig/config.yml
. Run thisthor
task whenever you change the:deploy
section inconfig/config.yml
to generate the Ruby Capastrano configuration files inconfig/deployment/<deploy-target>.rb
and the littlechef JSON configurations inconfig/littlechef/nodes/<deploy-target>.json
$ thor cloud:setup
List the running AWS server instances to confirm that your local AWS security credentials are setup correctly:
$ thor cloud:list target hostname state ipaddress ec2-id ec2-dns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lab-dev running i-f844ec81
If you are working with an existing host that has already been setup such as
generate the proper ssh configuration and add the remote host key to~/.ssh/known_hosts
. This adds a localubuntu
user in~/ssh/config
and connects to the remote host to add the key.Example of setting up SSH configuration with the existing remote AWS host:
:$ thor cloud:setup_ssh
After testing, committing, and pushing code to a public repository use the Capistrano tasks to update a remote server.
The capistrano commands take the form:
cap <deploy-target> task
The basic command to update a server:
cap <deploy-target> deploy:update
Here are the list of current Capistrano deploy commands:
$ cap -T deploy:
cap deploy:restart # restart rails app
cap deploy:clean_and_update # clean and update server
cap deploy:setup # setup server
cap deploy:status # display last commit on deployed server
cap deploy:update # update server
cap deploy:update_jnlps # update public/jnlp dir on server
Update the
server with the latest code committed on the master branch on
cap lab-dev deploy:update
When you have made changes in the repository like adding or updating a git submodule in
then you will need instead run the deploy:clean_and_update
cap lab-dev deploy:clean_and_update
The Java resources require much less frequent updates since the main body of work for Lab is occuriring in the HTML5 development.
The capistrano task: deploy:update_jnlps
erases the server/public/jnlp/
directory on the remote server and re-generates and deploy the packed signed
jars from source or from downloads:
$ cap <deploy-target> deploy:update_jnlps
The resulting directory on the server will look something like this:
$ tree /var/www/app/server/public/jnlp/
├── jdom
│  └── jdom
│  ├── jdom__V1.0.jar
│  └── jdom__V1.0.jar.pack.gz
├── jug
│  └── jug
│  ├── jug__V1.1.2.jar
│  └── jug__V1.1.2.jar.pack.gz
└── org
└── concord
├── data
│  ├── data__V0.2.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── data__V0.2.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── energy2d
│  ├── energy2d__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── energy2d__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── framework
│  ├── framework__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── framework__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── frameworkview
│  ├── frameworkview__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── frameworkview__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── modeler
│  ├── mw__V2.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── mw__V2.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── otrunk
│  ├── otrunk__V0.3.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  └── otrunk__V0.3.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
├── sensor
│  ├── sensor-applets
│  │  ├── sensor-applets__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  │  └── sensor-applets__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
│  ├── sensor__V0.2.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
│  ├── sensor__V0.2.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
│  └── vernier
│  └── vernier-goio
│  ├── vernier-goio-macosx-i386-nar__V1.5.0-20101012.203834-2.jar
│  ├── vernier-goio-macosx-ppc-nar__V1.5.0-20101012.203834-2.jar
│  ├── vernier-goio-macosx-x86_64-nar__V1.5.0-20101012.203835-2.jar
│  └── vernier-goio-win32-nar__V1.4.0.jar
└── sensor-native
├── sensor-native__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar
└── sensor-native__V0.1.0-20120531.005123-1.jar.pack.gz
There are a set of thor tasks for managing, creating, and re-creating AWS servers for Lab:
$ thor -T
thor cloud:create hostname # create a new server instance using this hostname
thor cloud:delete hostname # delete an existing server instance running at this hostname
thor cloud:find_dns_record hostname # find dns record for hostname
thor cloud:list # list existing servers
thor cloud:list_targets # list existing deploy targets
thor cloud:recreate hostname # recreate a new server instance for this hostname by destroying and rebuilding an existing server
thor cloud:setup # setup capistrano deploy tasks and littlechef nodes using targets in config/config.yml
thor cloud:setup_ssh hostname # setup ssh configuration for communication to hostname
thor cloud:start ec2_id # start a stopped existing server instance using the ec2-id
thor cloud:stop reference # stop a running existing server instance at this hostname or ec2-id
thor cloud:update reference # update server <ec2_id|hostname> provisioning with littlechef 'lab-server' role
thor cloud:update_dns_record hostname ipaddress # updating IP address for DNS record hostname to ipaddress
Creating a new Lab server on AWS consists of three steps:
Creating a new hostname, server, and provisioning the server with thor:
$ thor cloud:create <hostname>
This task will create a new hostname as a DNS A record if the hostname does not already exists.
If the hostname already exists as a CNAME first login to the AWS:Route53 service and delete the existing host name.
If the new DNS entry for hostname is not properly propogated when the hostname is created or changed you will get an error that looks something like this:
*** running local command: echo ' Host <hostname> User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ec2/lab-dev.pem ' >> ~/.ssh/config *** running local command: ssh-keygen -R <hostname> /Users/stephen/.ssh/known_hosts updated. Original contents retained as /Users/stephen/.ssh/known_hosts.old *** running local command: ssh ubuntu@<hostname> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no exit ssh: Could not resolve hostname <hostname>: nodename nor servname provided, or not known *** updating littlechef node: <hostname>.json *** provisioning <hostname> with littlechef role: lab-server <ec2-id>, <ec2-hostname>, <new-ip-address> command: cd /Users/stephen/dev/concord/lab/config/littlechef && fix node:<hostname> role:lab-server == Applying role 'lab-server' to <hostname> == Fatal error: Name lookup failed for <hostname> Underlying exception: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
You will need to resolve the issue with getting the correct DNS record for hostname before continuing. After this is resolved you can follow these steps to continue the initial setup and provisioning:
$ ssh-keygen -R <hostname> $ ssh ubuntu@<hostname> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no exit $ thor cloud:update <hostname>
Optionally configure the server to use a valid Java code-siging certificate.
If you wish to support the integration of the optional Java resources that are required to be signed to work:
- legacy Molecular Worbench and Energy2D Java Web Start applications
- Java-based Vernier GoIO browser-sensor applet integration
You should put copy of a valid Java siging certificate keystore on hostname and edit
to reference this keystore before runningcap <deploy-target> deploy:setup
The one supplied with the repository is a sample self-signed certificate and end user will be warned that it is not valid.
Here is one way to acomplish this:
$ scp <path-to-keystore> deploy@<hostname>:/var/www/app/config/<new-keystore-name>.jks
Now ssh to the new host and edit the java section of
to update the values for:password
, and:keystore_path
. -
Finishing the setup of the server with a capistrano task
$ cap <deploy-target> deploy:setup
This completes the initial deploy and builds of all the project resources to the server.
CHARMM: A theoretical introduction to molecular dynamics simulations and practical examples
This site has a basic introduction to the physics of molecular dynamics simulations, and practical exercises with the CHARMM package
One kind of unphysical effect that can arise. See linked paper.
CHE 800-002: Molecular Simulation Cameron Abrams Department of Chemical Engineering at Drexel
- softmatter:Simulation Variables/Units
- An MD Code for the Lennard-Jones Fluid
- 2.4 Reduced Units
- Understanding molecular simulation: from algorithms to applications
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Nneoma Ogbonna
D3: manipulating and visualizing documents based on data.
JQuery: simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions.
JQuery-UI: abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery
sizzle: CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library.
Codemirror2: in-browser code editor.
science.js: scientific and statistical computing methods.
dsp.js: digital signal processing methods including functions for signal analysis and generation, Oscillators(sine, saw, square, triangle), Window functions (Hann, Hamming, etc), Envelopes(ADSR), IIR Filters(lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch), FFT and DFT transforms, Delays, Reverb.
modernizr: detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in browsers.
Lab Example: index.html.haml
uses Modernizer to check if the browser implents SVG and re-direct the user to an upgrade
page if the feature is not presnet.
MathJax is a display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers.
Lab Example: lennard-jones-potential.html.haml
uses MathJax to display LaTeX formatted math equations.
OpenSans Font: used for most text display
npm, the Node Package Manager isnow bundled with Node and is used to specify and manage external node pacage dependencies for a project.
More about using npm for development:
- Introduction to npm
- node_modules in git
- Managing module dependencies
- What do people do for versioning node modules within git?
Lab Example: package.json
specifies node pakage dependencies for the Lab project.
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node.
Lab Example:
All Lab's modules use RequireJS for dependency management and build process. Its application is widely described in this section.
CoffeeScript is a language the compiles to JavaScript. Many programmers find it more expressive and productive. js2cofee can be used to convert JavaScript to CoffeeScript. RequireJS Optimizer also can convert CoffeeScript to JavaScrit. So you don't have to manually do it when referencing CoffeeScript files using RequireJS.
Lab Examples:
is a coffeescript program used to run the MD2D engine from the command line and generate data used for physics validation tests.PlaybackComponentSVG
is an object written in CoffeeScript that creates and manages the SVG-based Playback control widget for the Molecule Container.InteractivesController
is an object written in plain JavaScript which references directly CoffeeScript file using RequireJS (Thermometer = require('cs!common/components/thermometer')
This section covers RequireJS support of CoffeeScript files.
Bundler is a Ruby Gem used to express and manage Ruby Gem dependencies.
Lab Example: Gemfile
is used to specify all the Ruby Gem dependencies to build and test the Lab project.
Haml is a Ruby Gem that processes HTML expressed in HAML markup into HTML.
Lab Example: index.html.haml
is used to generate the main index.html
Sass is a Ruby Gem that provides many powerful extensions to CSS3 and works by processing files in either SASS-indented-syntax or SCSS format (a su[erset of standard CSS3) and generating CSS stylesheets.
Lab Examples:
is used to generate:index.css
is used to generate:readme.css
Guard is a Ruby Gem that can efficiently watch for changes on the file system and automatically start the build process when needed.
Lab Example: Starting Guard with bin/guard
loads and runs the configuration in Guardfile
thor is a Ruby Gem for building self-documenting command line utilities.
Lab Example: cloud.thor
are the
Ruby command-line interface scripts for providing access to the
library for creating and managing AWS cloud servers.
fog is a Ruby Gem for working with many different cloud service providers.
Lab Example: AwsLabServer
is a library built on top of fog for creating and managing Lab server instances on AWS.
Vows is an asynchronous behaviour driven testing framework for Node.
Lab Examples:
is used to test the drag UI logic for interactively re-scaling Graph axes.arrays-test.js
is used to test the utility class for working with regular or Typed Arrays.
livereload is project that has created extensions for Chrome FireFox, and Safari to provide automatic browser reloading when the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files are changed on the server. The older version 1 extensions work with the guard-livereload gem.
- JavaScript Full Screen API, Navigation Timing and repeating CSS Gradients
- Fullscreen API, enhanced Element Highlighting and progress on Flexbox
- Native Fullscreen JavaScript API (plus jQuery plugin)
- Gecko:FullScreenAPI
- Mozilla full-screen API progress update
- fullscreen API coming to browsers near you?
- Full Screen Demos
- stackoverflow: Chrome Fullscreen API