Three.js powered Minecraft skin viewer.
- 1.8 Skins
- HD Skins
- Capes
- Slim Arms
- Automatic model detection (Slim / Default)
<div id="skin_container"></div>
let skinViewer = new skinview3d.SkinViewer({
domElement: document.getElementById("skin_container"),
width: 600,
height: 600,
skinUrl: "img/skin.png",
capeUrl: "img/cape.png"
// Change the textures
skinViewer.skinUrl = "img/skin2.png";
skinViewer.capeUrl = "img/cape2.png";
// Resize the skin viewer
skinViewer.width = 300;
skinViewer.height = 400;
// Control objects with your mouse!
let control = skinview3d.createOrbitControls(skinViewer);
control.enableRotate = true;
control.enableZoom = false;
control.enablePan = false;
skinViewer.animation = new skinview3d.CompositeAnimation();
// Add an animation
let walk = skinViewer.animation.add(skinview3d.WalkingAnimation);
// Add another animation
let rotate = skinViewer.animation.add(skinview3d.RotatingAnimation);
// Remove an animation, stop walking dude
// And run for now!
let run = skinViewer.animation.add(skinview3d.RunningAnimation);
// Set the speed of an animation
run.speed = 3;
// Pause single animation
run.paused = true;
// Pause all animations!
skinViewer.animationPaused = true;
npm run build