This installation includes:
- k0s incl. k0smotron (v1.0.1)
- AWS Cloud Controller Manager
- AWS EBS CSI Driver
- AWS EBS StorageClass
Get and apply your AWS creds in the terminal, so we can use Terraform to create resources.
export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-access-key>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<session-token>
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
terraform output -raw k0s_cluster | k0sctl apply --no-wait --debug --config -
terraform output -raw k0s_cluster | k0sctl kubeconfig --config -
et voilà, a k0s cluster with 1 controller, 1 worker and integration into AWS via CCM and CSI.
Specificially for AWS you need the clusterawsadm
CLI installed and use it to prepare your environment:
curl -L -o clusterawsadm
chmod +x clusterawsadm
sudo mv clusterawsadm /usr/local/bin
clusterawsadm version
will prepare your AWS account for CAPI and create IAM resources:
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
Now the following command to ensure you have the credentials for your AWS account ready for ClusterAPI:
export AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
Now we can use clusterctl
to install the ClusterAPI controller, the bootstrap & control-plane provider of k0smotron and the aws infrastructure provider:
Make sure to have
configured to point to your newly created management cluster.
clusterctl init --bootstrap k0sproject-k0smotron \
--control-plane k0sproject-k0smotron \
--infrastructure aws
You can check the pods in the namespaces capi-system
, k0smotron
and capa-system
kubectl get pods -n capi-system && kubectl get pods -n k0smotron && kubectl get pods -n capa-system
Now, ClusterAPI with k0smotron and AWS is configured and ready to use.
We have now prepared everything to create clusters. There are two ways to create clusters. Either a cluster with Hosted Control Plane in the Management Cluster and Worker Nodes in AWS (or other infrastructure providers) OR a cluster with Control Plane and Worker Nodes in AWS (or other infrastructure providers).
You will find the two examples in the folder capa.
Just apply one of the manifests and see the cluster getting created.
Please make sure to check the manifests and change whatever you need to adjust.
That's it. You now have a workload cluster created by k0smotron, capi and capa.
You can use k0smotron to create k0s control planes without Cluster API and add worker nodes to it manually :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: demo
kind: Cluster
name: k0s-demo-cluster
namespace: demo
replicas: 1
k0sImage: k0sproject/k0s
k0sVersion: v1.30.2-k0s.0
type: LoadBalancer
apiPort: 6443
konnectivityPort: 8132
type: emptyDir
To get kubeconfig of the newly created Control Plane, we execute the following command:
kubectl get secret k0s-demo-cluster-kubeconfig -n demo -o jsonpath='{.data.value}' | base64 -d > ~/.kube/child.conf
Now, we can add Worker Nodes. To do that we will create a JoinTokenRequest
kind: JoinTokenRequest
name: edge-token
namespace: demo
name: k0s-demo-cluster
namespace: demo
Let's get the token to add worker nodes:
kubectl get secret edge-token -n demo -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d
With the join token, we can install k0s on an external node that can live anywhere and add it to our cluster:
curl -sSLf | sudo sh
sudo k0s install worker --token-file /path/to/token/file
sudo k0s start
That's it. You now have a Control Plane living in the management cluster and a worker node somewhere else. This architecture can be used for edge szenarios where you have limited resources and want to keep the control plane centrally.