Installs both gitolite and gitweb server that uses ssh to connect for read write and a website for browsing the repos. It assumes apache is separately installed and a vhost setup for CGI execution.
This class assumes that apache is separately installed, and includes its own vhost definition, for which this class needs to be installed.
A simple setup needs to declare just an SSH key
class { 'gitweb':
git_key => 'some key value'
This results in:
- A gitolite respository installed in
- A new user
created - An admin user in the gitolite repository named
that allows access through the provided SSH key - A umask of 0077 on the
directory - A cgi script installed in
- The default
file configured to point to the gitolite repositories directory
If youre [apache
] install is using defaults, it will have a user and group
of apache:apache or httpd:httpd, depending on distro used. You will need to
make sure that your apache user has a secondary group of git or that apache's group is set to git
class { 'apache':
group => 'git'
in order to access the repositories directory
On the apache side, you need to point it at the installed gitweb location, and
enable the CGI handler. Various options are available, depending on whether you
are using apache::mod::perl
or apache::mod::fastcgi
. The following setup
illustrates basic CGI usage as a vhost
$git_cgi_dir = '/var/www/git'
include apache::mod::cgi
apache::vhost { "git":
docroot => '/var/www/git/static',
options => [ 'Indexes', 'FollowSymlinks', 'ExecCGI' ],
custom_fragment => 'AddHandler cgi-script .cgi',
rewrite_rule => "^/$ $git_cgi_dir/gitweb.cgi",
directories => [
'path' => '/var/www/git',
'options' => 'ExecCGI',
'allow' => 'from all',
class { 'gitweb':
git_key => hiera('git.admin.key'),
admin_user => hiera(''),
repo_umask => '0027',
cgi_bin_dir => $git_cgi_dir,
administrators public ssh key for setting up the system.
Gitolite internal user name for the administrator key.
The type of key for the administrator (defaults to ssh-rsa)
root directory for the repository. Defaults to the git users home direcotry (/home/git)
Adds an auto incrimental serial tag to each commit
Jason Cox
Copyright 2014-2017 Jason Cox, unless otherwise noted.