You will be building the leaderboard website during the whole week. Here is the list of projects that will guide you through the steps described above. You will find details about each of the milestone requirements in the upcoming program activities.
- Project 1: basic page structure.
- Project 2: send and receive data from API.
- Project 3: final touches.
- 📖 About the Project
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Authors
- 🔭 Future Features
- 🤝 Contributing
- ⭐️ Show your support
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- 📝 License
- ** Leaderboard Project 2023 **
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
Text Editor
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
cd my-folder
git clone
Install this project with:
You don´t need to install this project
To run the project, execute the following command:
code Leaderboard
To run tests, run the following command:
No tests available
You can deploy this project using:
Browser (Chrome recommended)
👤 Javier J. Martínez F.
- GitHub: [@jlcarrascof]
- Twitter: [@javiersistemas]
No future features
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project please contribute to make it better.
I'd like to give all my best wishes to you guys at Microverse community.
This project is MIT licensed.