Python code to solve reaction-diffusion equation, with homogeneous and non-homogeneous diffusion coefficient, in evolving curves
The code allows solving reaction-diffusion equations in curves that grow and deform over time, with a non-homogeneous diffusion coefficient and Neumann (zero flow) boundary conditions.
The code solves partial differential equations of the form
∂U/∂t = Dg(s, t) ∂/∂s[h(s, t)∂U/∂s]− a(s, t)U + γF(U)
With conditions
h(s, t)∂U/∂s=0, on the boundary
Where U=[u,v]^T, D is a 2x2 coefficient matrix, g(s,t), h(s,t) and a(s,t) are given functions, F(U) =[f1(u,v) f2(u,v)]^T are nonlinear functions corresponding to the chemical kinetics of the model and γ is a scale factor.
For the case of reaction-diffusion equations in deformable curves, we have following definitions:
g(s,t), h(s,t) y a(s,t)
g(s,t)=|| Xs(s,t)||^{-1} h(s,t)= D(s) g(s,t) a(s,t)= ∂/∂t [||X_s(s,t)||] g(s,t)
Where ||X_s(s,t)|| is the Euclidean norm of the tangent vectors Xs of the curve at position s and instant t, and D(s) is the non-homogeneous diffusion coefficient.
The system is solved using the spectral elements method for spatial discretization and the implicit-explicit Euler method for temporal discretization.
Package contents
- System parameters such as the definition of the boundary, the known functions, initial conditions, reaction kinetics, among others, are introduced.
- Maps the different nodes (Legendre Gauss-Lobatto nodes) from a local domain (location in each element) to a global domain (location on the domain of the problem being worked on).
- Calculates the value of the Lagrange polynomial of degree N and its derivative at a point specified as input.
- Calculates the value of the Legendre polynomials of degree N and its derivative at a point specified as input.
- Calculates the matrix G at each element.
- Calculates the Legendre Gauss-Lobatto nodes and the Gauss Legendre-Lobatto quadrature weights.
- Main code where the previous codes are integrated. In addition, the spectral element method and the implicit-explicit Euler method are implemented for the solution of reaction-diffusion systems..
Open the file "".
Go to the section "def datos_problema", where systems parameters are defined:
- s_0: Left limit of s (left boundary).
- s_1: Right limit of s (right boundary).
- N : Degree of the approximating polynomial (Lagrange). This value is unique for all elements.
- K : Number of domain divisions. This value together with s_0 and S_1 define the spatial step (d_s) or the width of each subdivision of the domain.
- d_t: Initial time step. This value is an initial time step since internally the code modifies this value under a set error criterion.
- t_f: Execution time. This value indicates the final execution time t of the computational simulation.
- gam: Scale factor γ.
- d : Numerical value of the diffusion coefficient of the morphogen with concentration v. This value is the 22 entry of the diagonal matrix D.
- d_1: Numerical value of the diffusion coefficient of the morphogen with concentration u. This value is the 11 entry of the diagonal matrix D.
- capt_dat: Time values where you want to capture the information corresponding to the numerical solution of the system at that time.
Enter the reaction kinetics, these must be located in the "def func1(u,v)" section for morphogen with concentration u and in the "def func2(u,v)" section for the morphogen with concentration v.
Introduce the numerical values of the equilibrium point u_0 and v_0 in "def phi1_0" and "def phi2_0", respectively. -Although the amplitude of the disturbances around the equilibrium point is usually 10%, it is possible to modify this value in the variables "p" and "q". These disturbances represent the initial condition Uo(s) of the problem.
In "def curve()", the information corresponding to the curve worked on in the problem is filled in, that is, the domain of interest of the problem. This information includes
- p : Domain growth function in the x coordinate.
- p_1: Domain growth function in the y coordinate.
- p_2: Domain growth function in the z coordinate.
- x : x value of the curve parametrization.
- y : y value of the curve parametrization.
- z : z value of the curve parametrization.
- d_3: Non-homogeneous diffusion function D(s)for u and v morphogens.
Open and run the file "".
NOTE: -For the parameterization coordinates we assume a curve of the form X=(x(s,t), y(s,t), z(s,t)). In the case of anisotropic growth we have that x(s,t)=p(t)*A(s), y(s,t)=p_1(t)*B(s), z(s,t)=p_2(t)*C(s). With A,B,C functions that define the parameterization of the curve. -In the more general case X=(x(s,t), y(s,t), z(s,t)) it is not necessary to use the variables p, p_1 and p_2; it is enough to define the functions x(s,t), (s,t) and z(s,t) in the variables x,y and z respectively.