Video streaming app based on the popular character guessing game
Headbands is a really popular game you've probably played at work parties. You know where everyone writes a famous name on a sticky note, and puts it on someone else's head? Then they have to ask questions to figure out who they are? Sort of like this (although hopefully your workplace was less offensive.) Unfortunately tons of people are working from home now, so we made this so you can play with eachother online and get some face time that isn't meeting-related.
You can play with up to five players, either playing the guesser one at a time or all at once while taking turns to ask questions. Questions should preferably have yes or no answers but we don't enforce that so you're free to go rogue.
- Usage
- Getting started
- Built with
- Contributing
- Meta
- Known issues / bugs
- Feature roadmap
- Acknowledgements
Navigate to the "How-to-Play" section for instructions.
The above gif demonstrates our basic app flow. For more screenshots and other documentation, navigate to the /docs directory from the root of this repo.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
If you don't have Nodejs and npm installed, install them from here.
Clone this repository to your local machine and then create a .env following the .env.example file
In the root directory:
npm i
npm run build
npm run start
npm run start-react
- React - Front-end framework
- Redux - State management
- styled-components - Modular, easy-to-navigate styling for React components
- NodeJS - JS runtime
- Express - Framework used for API in Node
- Twilio - [DESC NEEDED]
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) or issue branch (git checkout -b issue/brokenThing
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new PR and follow the appropriate template
Jon Langlois - jlangy -
Bryce McMath – bryce-mcmath –
- Bugs? What bugs?
To add an issue, start a new one here.
If you'd like to add a feature yourself, please see the Contributing guidelines.