Just drag and drop image or video files to compare. Files need to be smaller than 100 MB.
You can drag and drop images directly from your browser as well. But it is not always possible to read exif and pixel data, because not all domains allow CORS. For example twitter.com allows reading out data from images.
It is also possible to use arguments in the link to directly load a URL after the page is loaded. For example https://jklgit.github.io/Image-Comparison-in-Browser/index.html?sid1=5981914 will load an image with the post id 5981914 from chan.sankakucomplex.com. Following arguments can be used:
- url1: Url to load for the left panel. Use encodeURIComponent, when setting this parameter.
- url2: Url to load for the right panel. Use encodeURIComponent, when setting this parameter.
- sid1: Post id from chan.sankakucomplex.com for the left panel.
- sid2: Post id from chan.sankakucomplex.com for the right panel.
You can use an offline version by saving the page on your desktop before loading any images.
This userscript adds links on the post/show/ page and the post/delete/ page on chan.sankakucomplex.com from where you can easily compare child and parent posts.
Following parameters need to be allowed for jklgit.github.io on the server side for full drag&drop support from a different browser window:
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" needs to be allowed in the http response header (for reading out exif/pixel data).
- "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" needs to have "Content-Length" in the http response header (for reading out filesize).
- "Referer" needs to be allowed in the http request header (for reading out image and filesize).
Create a new folder and copy index.html and the files folder in there.
This program utilizes: