I'll provide Simple Example of AWS CodeBuild, which will be triggered by github commit events, and these cloudformation template.
- You have own AWS Account.
- You have Connected CodeBuild to Github by OAUTH or Github Access Token in your Work Region. If not, please follow the steps in this link.
- You have Installed AWS CLI v2 on your laptop and set up is finished.
- First, You must edit parameters/parameters_*.json files and change <> to your own parameters. For instance, next snippet is parameters/parameters_codebuild.json.
"ParameterKey": "ArtifactBucketName",
"ParameterValue": "<Your Artifact S3 Bucket Name>"
"ParameterKey": "BuildProjectName",
"ParameterValue": "<Build Project Name>"
"ParameterKey": "SourceLocationURL",
"ParameterValue": "https://github.com/<USER ID>/<REPOSITORY NAME>.git"
- Deploy S3 Bucket (Optional)
aws cloudformation --region <REGION> --stack-name <STACK-NAME> \\
--template-file file://templates/template_s3bucket.yml \\
--parameter-override file://parameters/parameters_s3bucket.yml
- Deploy Codebuild Project
aws cloudformation --region <REGION> --stack-name <STACK-NAME> \\
--template-file file://templates/template_codebuild.yml \\
--parameter-override file://parameters/parameters_codebuild.json \\
- After complate deploy cloudformation template, you are ready for execute build.
- If your repository don't have buildspec.yml in project root, you can copy from this repository. In order for your application to build correctly, you will need modify your buildspec.yml, especially run-times, prebuild, build phase.
- Now, you push code to your repository main branch, your build project will execute build as you specified in buildspec.yml