VIMbix is a VMware Virtual Infrastructure Methodology RESTfull proxy for Zabbix. Build on top of Sinatra, it accepts connection from Zabbix server and/or proxy and translates them to VMware API calls. It can helps to manage large VMware infrastructure, with many ESX(i) and/or vCenter. The current release supports the vSphere 5.0 API.
On a configured frequency, VIMbix query multiple VIServers (vCenter and/or ESX(i)) discover all virtual machines, datastores and hosts and build a dump file of all collected informations for each VIServers. This method prevent high load on large VMware Virtual Infrastructure. Collected data are accessible through the VMbix RESTfull API. Collected informations and supported method are :
Method | Description | |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/status | VIMbix API VIServer last check status |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/timestampcheck | VIMbix API VIServer last check date |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/collectionduration | VIMbix API VIServer collection duration, in seconds |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/apitype | VIServer api type |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/apiversion | VIServer api version |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/build | VIServer build version |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/fullname | VIServer full name |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/name | VIServer name |
[GET] | /:viserver/api/version | VIServer version |
[GET] | /:viserver/hosts | Hosts discovery on VIServer |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastores | Datastores discovery on VIServer |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachines | VirtualMachines discovery on VIServer |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/hostname | Host name |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/product | Information about the software running |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/hardwaremodel | The system model identification |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/cpumodel | CPU model |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/cpumhz | The speed of the CPU cores in Hz |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/cpucore | Number of physical CPU cores on the host |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/cpuusage | Aggregated CPU usage across all cores on the host in Hz |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/cpuusagepercent | Aggregated CPU usage across all cores on the host in % |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/totalmemorysize | The physical memory size in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/memoryusage | Physical memory usage on the host in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/memoryusagepercent | Physical memory usage on the host in % |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/powerstate | The host power state |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/maintenancemode | The host maintenance status |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/uptime | The system uptime of the host in seconds |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/pathstateactive | Number of active storage paths |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/pathstatedead | Number of dead storage paths |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/pathstatestandby | Number of standby storage paths |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/pathstatedisabled | Number of disabled storage paths |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/pathstateunknown | Number of unknown storage paths |
[GET] | /:viserver/host/:id/overallstatus | The overall alarm status of the host |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/name | The name of the datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/capacity | Maximum capacity of this datastore, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/capacityfree | Available space of this datastore, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/capacityused | Used space of this datastore, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/capacityusedpercent | Used space of this datastore, in % |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/accessible | The connectivity status of this datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/type | Type of file system volume, such as VMFS or NFS of this datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/maintenancemode | The current maintenance mode state of this datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/vmcount | Number of VirtualMachines stored on the datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/datastore/:id/vmlist | List of VirtualMachines stored on the datastore |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/name | Name of the VirtualMachine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/vmwaretools | Current version status of VMware Tools in the guest operating system |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/runninghost | The host that is responsible for running a virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/powerstate | The current power state of the virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/toolsinstallermounte | Indicate whether or not the VMware Tools installer is mounted as a CD-ROM on virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/consolidationneeded | Whether any disk of the virtual machine requires consolidation |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/cleanpoweroff | For a powered off virtual machine, indicates whether the virtual machine's last shutdown was an orderly power off or not |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/boottime | The timestamp when the virtual machine was most recently powered on |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/guestfullname | Guest operating system name configured on the virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/hostname | Hostname of the guest operating system, if known |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/ipaddress | Primary IP address assigned to the guest operating system, if known |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/maxcpuusage | Current upper-bound on CPU usage in Hz |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/overallcpuusage | Basic CPU performance statistics, in Hz |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/percentcpuusage | CPU usage, in % |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/numcpu | Number of processors in the virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/memorysize | Memory size of the virtual machine, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/hostmemoryusage | Host memory utilization statistics, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/guestmemoryusage | Guest memory utilization statistics, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/balloonedmemory | The size of the balloon driver in a virtual machine, in bytes |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/percentmemoryusage | Guest memory utilization statistics, in % |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/usedstorage | Total storage space, in bytes, committed to this virtual machine across all datastores |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/percentusedstorage | Total storage space, in %, committed to this virtual machine across all datastores |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/uncommittedstorage | Additional storage space, in bytes, potentially used by this virtual machine on all datastores |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/provisionedstorage | Total storage space, in bytes, provisioned to the virtual machine on all datastores |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/unsharedstorage | Total storage space, in bytes, occupied by the virtual machine across all datastores, that is not shared with any other virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/storagelocation | Path name to the configuration file for the virtual machine |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/uptime | The system uptime of the VitualMachine in seconds |
[GET] | /:viserver/virtualmachine/:id/overallstatus | Overall alarm status on this VirtualMachine |
- Make sure that your system meets recommended system requirements
- Install VIMbix in the ExternalScripts directory of your Zabbix server and/or proxy. Check your
if in doubt
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd VIMbix
bundle install
- Deploy VIMbix client
rake install:client <your-zabbix-externalscripts-path-here>
- (Optional) Install init script (Debian or Ubuntu)
rake install:initscript
- Edit
configuration file to change bind address and/or listen port.
environment: production
port: 9090
pid: var/run/
log: var/log/vimbix.log
max_conns: 1024
timeout: 30
server: 1
max_persistent_conns: 512
daemonize: true
- Edit
configuration file to add your VIServers
# list all your VIServer (vCenter and/or ESX(i) hosts)
hostname: # VIServer IP address or fqdn
username: username # VIServer username
password: 'password' # VIServer password
frequency: 300s # VIServer check frequency. Supported format: 300s, 5m
timeout: 280s # VIServer check frequency. Supported format: 280s, 4m
hostname: # VIServer IP address or fqdn
username: username # VIServer username
password: 'password' # VIServer password
frequency: 300s # VIServer check frequency. Supported format: 300s, 5m
timeout: 280s # VIServer check frequency. Supported format: 280s, 4m
- Import zbx-vimbix.xml file into Zabbix
- Add to your host the followed macro with value {$VIMBIX_ADDRESS} and {$VIMBIX_PORT} (default value is 9090)
- Associate ZBX-VIMBIX template to your VIServer on Zabbix
rake clean # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber # Remove any generated file
rake daemon:restart # Restart VIMbix daemon
rake daemon:start # Start VIMbix daemon
rake daemon:status # Status of VIMbix daemon
rake daemon:stop # Stop VIMbix daemon
rake install:client # Install VIMbix client into Zabbix external script directory
rake install:initscript # Deploy init script (Debian or Ubuntu)
rake version # Show VIMbix version
vimbix-client -u <vimbix-restfull-uri>
- VIMbix last check status
- VIMbix last check
- VIMbix collection duration
- VIServer product
- VIServer API version
- VIServer API type
- Discovery : Memory usage (%) on each host
- Discovery : Memory usage (B) on each host
- Discovery : CPU usage (%) on each host
- Discovery : CPU usage (Hz) on each host
- Discovery : Number of active storage paths on each host
- Discovery : Number of unknown storage paths on each host
- Discovery : Number of disabled storage paths on each host
- Discovery : Number of standby storage paths on each host
- Discovery : Total memory size on each host
- Discovery : Total CPU size on each host
- Discovery : Overall status on each host
- Discovery : Uptime on each host
- Discovery : Hardware model for host
- Discovery : CPU cores speed on each host
- Discovery : Number of physical CPU cores on each host
- Discovery : Maintenance status on each host
- Discovery : Power state on each host
- Discovery : Software version on each host
- Discovery: Capacity (B) for each datastore
- Discovery: Free capacity (B) for each datastore
- Discovery: Number of virtual machines on each datastore
- Discovery: Used capacity (%) for each datastore
- Discovery: Used capacity (B) for each datastore
- Discovery: Accessibility for each datatstore
- Discovery: maintenance mode for each datastore
- Discovery: filesystem type for each datastore
- Discovery: Ballooned memory (B) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Last boot time for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Last shutdown orderly power off status for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Disk(s) consolidation needed on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Memory usage (B) on guest for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Memory usage (B) on host for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Primary IP address for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Total CPU size (Hz) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Total memory size (B) for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Number of vCPU on each virtual machine
- Discovery: CPU usage (Hz) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Overall alarm status on each virtual machine
- Discovery: CPU usage (%) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Memory usage (%) on guest for on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Used storage (%) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Power state for each virtual machine
- Discovery: Provisioned storage (B) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Host responsible for running each virtual machine
- Discovery: Storage location for each virtual machine
- Discovery: Tools installer CD mounted status on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Uncommited storage (B) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Unshared storage (B) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: Uptime for each virtual machine
- Discovery: Used storage (B) on each virtual machine
- Discovery: VMware tools version on each virtual machine
- [DISASTER] Discovery: host power state is not ON
- [DISASTER] Discovery: host is DOWN or UNREACHABLE
- [DISASTER] Discovery: datastore is not accessible
- [HIGH] VIMbix check has failed
- [HIGH] Discovery: memory usage exceed 95% on host
- [HIGH] Discovery: CPU usage exceed 90% on host
- [HIGH] Discovery: host has a problem (overall status)
- [HIGH] Discovery: storage paths into DEAD state on host
- [HIGH] Discovery: used capacity exceed 85% on datastore
- [HIGH] Discovery: ballooned memory on each virtual machine
- [HIGH] Discovery: CPU usage exceed 90% on each virtual machine
- [HIGH] Discovery: memory usage exceed 95% on each virtual machine
- [AVERAGE] Discovery: maintenance mode is enabled on host
- [AVERAGE] Discovery: host might have a problem
- [AVERAGE] Discovery: disk(s) consolitdation needed on each virtual machine
- [AVERAGE] Discovery: virtual machine might have a problem
- [WARNING] Discovery: memory usage exceed 90% on host
- [WARNING] Discovery: CPU usage exceed 75% on host
- [WARNING] Discovery: storage paths into UNKNOWN state on host
- [WARNING] Discovery: used capacity exceed 75% on datastore
- [WARNING] Discovery: memory usage exceed 75% on virtual machine
- [WARNING] Discovery: VMware Tools CD is mounted on virtual machine
- [WARNING] Discovery: VMware tools is outdated on virtual machine
- [INFORMATION] Discovery: host has just been restarted
- Discovery : Memory usage on host
- Discovery : CPU usage on host
- Discovery : Capacity usage on datastore
- Discovery : CPU usage on virtual machine
- Discovery : memory usage on virtual machine
- Discovery : storage usage on virtual machine
This script was tested for :
- Zabbix 2.0.0 or higher.
- VMware vSphere 5.x
- VMware ESX(i) 5.x
Ruby 1.8.7
This script require Ruby 1.8.7 or higher.
RubyGems 1.8
This script require RubyGems 1.8 or higher.
Bundler 1.3
This script require Bundler 1.3 or higher.
Please do not send me an email for support on VIMbix. Open an issue on Github.
Fork the project on Github and send me a merge request, or send a patch to
Please see VERSION file or use the rake task :
rake version
This script is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Copyright (c) Jean-Jacques Martrès
Jean-Jacques Martrès (jjmartres |at| gmail |dot| com)